Friday, November 15, 2013

I Bought a What?

Winter is approaching in Missouri, and the two things I have become especially grateful for are a garage and heated seats in my car, This past week a couple of days when I left for work, the temperature was under 20 degrees (minus 8 Cen,). I am not sure quite why, but riding to work on an extremely cold morning with the heat not turned on, but the heated seat turned on is quite cozy. This is definitely my favorite season, but the dreaded snow of winter is just around the corner.

Speaking of snow, I guess it's appropriate to give you a Rodz update. She has never seen snow (Mall of the Emirates indoor ski slope excluded) and still seems excited to be coming here this winter. The challenge is the Embassy wait. Her Immigration VISA is approved, but the next and final step is her interview at the American Embassy. Once her interview is completed, if cleared she could literally be here in a week,,,but so far we are waiting for the phone call scheduling her interview. That should happen in December, so an optimist would say the ETA for Rodz in Springfield is January 2014. Please keep your fingers crossed. I have gotten a lot of inquiries about Rodz family in the Philippines, they are living north of Manila, The typhoon devastated central Philippines, which is south of Manila, so thankfully her friends and family are fine.

I know that you will find this hard to believe, but I think that my thinning hair is regaining a foothold on my scalp. Even my good friend and boss Todd commented on the improvement the other day, I think a good American climate, water and less stress in my life is having a positive impact on my health. The bad side of this is that I am also fattening up for my winter hibernation...sigh. Rodz tells me on Skype that I "have gotten fat", at first I thought she meant phat, but upon further disgust in her voice, she definitely meant fat, which isn't phat at all. I felt it was time to take action, so $650 later, I am the owner of a brand new hybrid bike. Now I just have to be inspired to begin to ride it around my neighborhood. Hopefully, I will begin to regain a semblance of health, so that climbing a flight of stairs doesn't feel like I just completed a marathon.

I am planning on traveling to Austin, Texas for Thanksgiving this year. It will be my first visit to the Texas home of the Rumgay Clan. It is over an 8 hour drive from here, but I am really looking forward to seeing everybody. I am spending Christmas with the other half of the Rumgay clan in Ohio. My mothers older brother Bob and family in Ohio, and her baby brother Dave and family in Texas. I was really looking forward to bringing Rodz to Ohio to meet all of the family, but sadly as I mentioned above, it isn't looking promising in 2013.

Speaking of friends and family, Fred landed a great job in Palm Beach, Florida. He starts working as a big time Associate office Manager (not the right title...sorry Fred) in December. So the house is sold, and the move from Knoxville is happening over Thanksgiving. So now Fred and Nick will be neighbors, I can feel a trip coming...I spoke with Nick this week, and he shared that Bob and Sandy visited Nick and Mimi last week in Florida. It's a very small world.

Sadly, in this small world, my friends in the UAE are drifting away....I actually have Skyped a bit with Vinny. Joseph sends me an occasional one line face book message. Kumail has not contacted me (get Skype my friend) and Kelly is really busy traveling (In Egypt right now) and loving Sami. I haven't heard from Hayley since I left Dubai....and Juan and Muzzy are too busy with work. I get a quick note from Fathuma....but that about covers it. This time last year I was enjoying work at Barakat, spending my days with Suresh, Kumail, Morali, Vinny, Joseph and Mahesh. I wish I could have them over for dinner. I miss my Dubai family....

Well the current administration's mess in the Middle East and Iran is being over shadowed by the mess that is happening in America. I just hope that the damage occurring both Domestically and abroad can be reversed by the next Administration that takes office in 3 long years. I guess that discussion will await the next blog. I will see you back here in a couple of weeks, on the first of December. I trust you remember all of the things you have to be thankful for during the approaching Thanksgiving holiday, I know that I am thankful and grateful for you...God Bless!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween or is turning 51 a big enough "Trick"?

I am sitting by my door handing candy out to the little ghosts and goblins. Halloween wasn't a big deal in Dubai, so I probably overdid it this year with 8 bags of candy to give away...Can't say that I am not

Well the big news on the relationship front, is that Rodz's Visa was approved by the US Immigration service. "Just what exactly does that mean?" you might be asking...well, all she has to complete now, before she can immigrate to America is an interview by an American Embassy or consulate and have her fingerprints entered into the Homeland Security data base. She very well could be here in time for Christmas. It would be fun for her to arrive then, because Rodz has never seen snow in person. I of course shared with her that since she is new to snow, that I will let her shovel the drive way this, don't spoil all the fun - she is very excited to have that honor...I know what you're thinking, "wow, what a lucky girl she is"!

I had my 51st birthday last week, and one nice thing was the effort my new co workers put into making my birthday memorable.

It was a little bit of a hazing, but I can say it made me feel very much like I was one of the team...

To my friends in the Middle East, please quit laughing so hard at America, and the paper tiger that we have become in  your eyes...Be aware, that we will have an election in late 2015, and by law our President will change. Kick us while we are down, it's just a matter of time before we get back up.

Speaking of Middle Eastern friends, I skyped with Vinny last week (you remember - Vinny the Pooh). He is doing well, and shared that he too has given notice and is leaving Barakat...All of them are now gone, just 7 months ago I was working and living in Dubai....seems so much like it was yesterday, and at the same time - seems like it was so long ago...

The Trick or Treaters keep interrupting my attempt at writing. I have enough candy for several hundred kids, and I think so far I have had about a dozen little monsters. I bought a nice variety of candy after the customer service girls at work educated me on the "proper candy" to give away. I found out that Whoppers, Milk Duds, tootsie Rolls and Smarties (love the Smarties) are not cool candies, and encourage the kids to become vandals. Apparently, Kit Kats, Snickers, Peanut Butter Cups, and Snickers Peanut bars are the "good" candies. I apologize for not sharing this news earlier, but hopefully you gave away cool candy this year...

Hope your Halloween was filled with lots of treats, I will see you in a couple of weeks, with a Rodz Immigration update, and details on my November adventure that will be happening in Austin, Texas...I must now go and figure out how to explain why our time changes in America to Rodz...Maybe someone should explain it to me first...