Monday, September 1, 2014

All things, Good and Bad must come to an end...

     You will be amused to know that my patio furniture was delivered on the 19th.
My patio August 2014

The comedic value didn't stop with delivery, I am still getting emails requesting the return of my lost furniture. I like my new furniture, but boy what a pain in the butt!

I am planning a nice trip for the month of September, I have tickets to both the Dallas/St. Louis football game and the Reds/Cards baseball game the same weekend. I am going with my good friends Rez and Chad.
Business has been slow but steady, and I continue to add products and new customers.
Sadly, the readership of this blog has dwindled steadily, I thank you for keeping up with me, I invite you to facebook me or email me (
This has sadly become a chore, and I will say goodbye to all of the readers. Please keep Rodz and I in your prayers and I wish you the very best of luck.
Hopefully you will find ways to stay in touch with me...