Wednesday, February 24, 2016

This job is work...How was I suppose to know?

       It's been a tough 3 weeks since I checked in with you...I have had to make some difficult management changes (terminating an employee is one of the worse parts of my job) that I felt had to be made for the good of the rest of the team, on the other hand the new managers that have joined are shining so far. I am really pleased with the team. I just added the infamous Vinny Varma to run sales. It's nice to have a trusted friend join the senior management team. I also have added an export manager, HR Manager, and a warehouse Manager this month. Still need to add a couple of good salespeople. We have also adopted numerous new best business practices. The plan is there and now we'll see if sales take off...
       Rodz is practically living with her brothers while her mother and father and nephew visit this month.
Kenny and Rodz;s father Feb. 2016

            Who would have thunk that I would become such a popular uncle. I have taken my in-laws out several times, but they are tough evenings because unfortunately they speak their native Philippine tongue with each other and make the evening less enjoyable for me. I have taken a shine to my new nephew Kenny, he is well behaved and very respectful.
         Just last month I shared my near miss of a camel story with you. Last week I looked out my office window and saw my friendly beasts lumbering across the road.

Camels at my BIFCO office Feb. 2016

      As I drive to work in the morning, I quite often see camels roaming next to the 12 lane super highway with only a fence between them and cars traveling 87 mph (88 will get the camera flash ticket from the radar cameras along the roads) so I just set my cruise control on 140 kmph and sail along.
          Speaking of driving fast, I have been giving serious thought to what my new ride will be. My salespeople seem to think nothing short of a BMW is acceptable. My German Chef Production GM only says it must be, go figure. I plan on getting it in April when I return from my trip home to the U.S.
          In my past positions here in the UAE, you know that I always grow fond and treat my office boys that bring me water, or run errands for me in the building, or serve hot tea or coffee to our guests. First, there was Shams,

Fred and Shams 2011

Then there was Chalk at Baraket corporate in 2013. Now there is Rabi. Rabi wears a Yankee sweatshirt most days, and his English is very poor. So now almost  every morning I ask him how the NY  Yankees did last night, he usually says they won, I ask him the score and he says 26 or 42 and I am quite amused. Well last week, I shared with Rabi that I am a Reds fan, and I didn't like the Yankees. That meant that I needed  to convert my Nepalese friend. So I did what I could to begin the indoctrination. 

Rabi - Feb. 2016

I do think its a good wears it around like a prized trophy. God bless him.
     Speaking of blessings, my parents enjoyed their 62nd wedding anniversary on Valentines day. Unfortunately, a few short days later, my father collapsed at home and was rushed by ambulance to the hospital. He stayed in the hospital for several days with my mother sleeping in the hospital room with him. He has now been moved to an assisted living facility for rehabilitation as he has lost his ability to walk. I'm praying for the rehab to go well, so he can return home.
    Danny counted my time between blogs, and I apologize for the delay. The Gulf Trade show is this week and my days have been filled leaving for work at 7 am and returning home after 11 pm, I can't remember ever being worn out like I am, one more day until the Friday day of rest. See you back here soon...Count your blessings and appreciate every day that God gives you....

Friday, February 5, 2016

Red Sheets at night, sleeping delight, Pink socks in morning....come on Rodz...

     Spring is right around the corner here in the UAE, which has to mean pitchers and catchers report any day now...I love baseball, will miss it so much again this year, although my Cincinnati Reds are rebuilding and should finish at the bottom, my fantasy baseball team is built to win this year, a tall challenge when playing half way round the world. Speaking of Reds, my lovely wife picked out bright red sheets to adorn our bed. Once again, she didn't understand my warnings about separating colors from whites, and the cooler water settings for bright colors - especially the first time you wash that colorful item. So now, I have nice pick t-shirts, and all my tan socks, are now bright pink,,,,sigh. I know, my little buddy washes and folds my clothes, so no complaining. Thankfully she finds my blog boring, so no fear of repercussions, lol.
         Work is a tremendous challenge. I love the opportunity to help steer a company the right way and to grow sales and profits, with the same opportunity to make a difference in peoples lives. On the other hand, I am feeling a great deal of stress with the responsibility for almost 150 employees livelihoods. Just this week, I worked until 10:30 one night and 9:30 another. By the end of this week, I was literally exhausted. We launched a retail sliced lunch meat line of products this week, and we are excited about the big growth opportunity. We are also having sales training every Saturday morning, and hope to make progress with the current team and the couple of guys I have added to the team. The first new salesman I hired was surprisingly enough Lebanese. He is the companies only Arabic speaking employee, and Yamen will certainly bring diversity and hopefully help us sell an entire segment of restaurants that our company traditionally ignored. I will keep my nose to the proverbial grindstone, and hopefully you will keep me in your thoughts and prayers...
           I am enjoying the politics back home, watch Fox news about half the time the tv is on. I will say that the populace here view the Trump run for President as a novelty. I understand it as more than that, but not my candidate of choice. We are watching American Idol, Rodz gets into it. I watched religiously last time I was here, and now am enjoying the farewell season, I will give you a favorite soon.
Texas Roadhouse Dubai Mall Feb. 2016
        Rodz's mom is visiting from Paris. We treated Rodz's sister in law and her mom to lunch at Texas Roadhouse today. It was 2 pm, and there was a half an hour wait for a table. Still hard to believe the tremendous success they have enjoyed in the Middle East and I am confident they have even exceeded their own expectations. Well aged, (70 day average)  mid-west grain fed Angus beef, is as big a hit here as in the states. They even import real American Idaho potato's, I never grow tired of a weekly treat.
         I sat down to this quick blog to help my long time college friend Danny Messimer pass the hours to, I get a regular email request for an update, I appreciate you Danny, and love that you look forward to reading my drivel. It is now time for momma Linda, Rodz and I to enjoy American Idol (remember I am a day behind you on episodes, so please no spoilers...) - Won't stay up to watch the Super Bowl this weekend, but I hope Peyton retires a winner.
          Take care, I will see you soon...