Friday, April 22, 2016

Better Late than Never!

        My good buddy Danny Messimer has been on me like white on rice, it seems that it has been over a month since my last post. So, while my wife takes her after pool shower (while her sisters' in law relax) I thought I would try and catch you up....

Jonalie, Leah, me and Rodz April 22, 2016
         So my Philippine posse and I spent the afternoon frolicking at the pool - now we are in serious recovery mode...I am sooooo old! As they would say on Game of Thrones - summer is coming (ok something like that).
         Speaking of Game of Thrones, I got Rodz hooked on it. We are now in Season 5 and should be caught up this weekend to begin watching season 6 with the world....what a great show. Only 3 seasons left, already depressed. We were shocked to see that La Porscha didn't win American Idol, and we are also now enjoying the last season of Banshee. It's nice to stay in touch with America. I watch Fox news while I dress in the morning (what a fascinating political season we are having) - Thankfully Rodz indulges me.
           I spent the first couple of weeks of April touring the states. I had a little business to attend to in New Jersey, followed by a few days with my parents in Virginia, then a quick trip to St. Louis to see Amy and Stacy. Then I headed to Atlanta to have my baseball draft and see Danny and his family (where I was desperately sick with the a horrible virus - Laura (Danny's wife) had to clean up after me - yes I was that sick..sigh - then I stayed a night with Lee and Cheryl Croy. It is such a nice feeling to have so many life long friends...I am blessed (yes Fred and I didn't hook up this trip...:-(
            The trip back to the states may have been my all time best flying experience. First, I arrived at Dulles Airport to find no line at security. I literally walked up to the homeland security guard, joked with him about no line (he said it must be my lucky day). Then I went straight through the x-ray equipment as they literally waited for me to place my items in the x-ray bins. My seat on an almost full Emirates flight was right by the exit door that I would eventually leave the plane by...and yes my window seat was next to an unoccupied seat...could it get better??? Well yes, there was a very strong tail wind and my normally 14 hour flight turned into a just over 12 hour flight. I was the second person off my plane where I walked to the security where unbelievably I had my choice of two different immigration lines with no people in line...I didn't break stride. After a quick passport check and stamp I walked to baggage claim. I of course beat all the luggage. You can imagine the chaos when over 500 passengers on an International flight line up to get their bags. Since I was the first one there I stationed myself in from of the chute where the bags would eventually drop. In a few short minutes, it cranked up and the bags came my way. The very first two bags (no I am not making this up- what are the odds?) yes the very first two bags that dropped to the baggage claim carousal were mine...It is a lucky trip that will never be duplicated...
         Work is going well. Sales continue to grow, and we have signed a couple of significant contracts. It is going so well that I don't want to pinch myself and wake up. Continued good fortune hopefully will come our way. Rodz has a couple of big things going on. She just accepted a nice job working at "Duty Free" at Dubai airport. She is going to be selling perfumes...she is so excited! She is even more excited to have enrolled in driving school. Classes start this Sunday, if it all goes well, she will have her license by June 1st. She was irritated that I had to sign a non objection letter for her to begin the process of getting a is definitely a man's world in the Middle East.
      The posse is hungry, time to round them up and feed them. Sorry I was late - will try and be better in the future...
     God Bless you and God Bless America!