Friday, November 18, 2011

Paul McCartney, he plays the guitar, right?

Thanksgiving is approaching, and it is a nice time to reflect on what I have to be thankful for. My immediate family are all alive and relatively healthy. Other than thinning hair and expanding waistline I am hanging in there also.(Is thinning hair life threatening?) I am dealing with loads of stress in my job, but that has been the norm for me for awhile. I have a good job and am living safely in the Middle East. I have a beautiful girl friend that has an infectious smile and personality. My employer trusts me to make good decisions and allows me great latitude to get my goals accomplished. My boss has been a friend of mine for over 15 years, and one of the friends that SYSCO brought me (Nick) has joined me here in the UAE on this Great Adventure. One of our other Account Executives has become a very trusted friend (Kelly), that has joined some of you "blog followers" (who would have thought that I would ever write anything that dozens - ok approx 55 people a week would actually read) as I hope a friend that I will enjoy for a lifetime. I moan and groan a lot, but the bottom line is that I have so much to be thankful for.
One of the booming areas of the UAE is Yas Island. Juan services that area for us, and business there is exploding. It is where Ferrari World (largest Indoor theme park in the Galaxy) calls home, and there are a number of hotels that have sprung up next to the beautiful Marina and F1 race track. Its a 15 minute drive to Abu Dhabi from there, and a little more than an hour from Dubai when traveling on the Sheikh Z super fast hiway. Well part of what they are doing on Yas Island to attract tourist is have concerts with world famous groups and artists. Britney Spears appeared there last week as did famous Beetle, Paul McCartney. Now my previous mentioned bff Kelly scored free tickets and front row VIP access to the concert. Nick and I were excited for her. What an opportunity that probably all of us would love to enjoy.  Probably one of the top 5 greatest singer icons of all time. Well, 27 year old, blond Kelly really appreciated it also. As she shared with Nick and I about this concert she was going to, where this guy that plays the guitar will be preforming. LOL....Nick immediately correctly identified the moment as "Blog able"....
By the way, Kelly loved the concert and now understands that this guy - Paul - can sing also.
Work update, sells are going ok this month as we are on pace to top 11 million. We still have an outside shot of reaching our company goal of 96.1 million. Do you remember Juvy from one of my previous blogs? (a very nice Filapena that Rodz introduced me to) Well I finally helped her land a new job. I hired her to join our Customer Service Team. I am as excited as she is about her joining us around January 2nd. Rodz's job search hasn't gone as well. She has been offered a job that would allow her to stay in the country, but I don't really like anything about it. For a very meager wage, she would have to work 10am to 9 pm 6 days a week. She has basically this weekend to find something better. I pray that she does. She and I have grown closer during this stressful time, and it really pains me to watch her struggle with these decisions.
I stayed last night at the Crown Plaza in Festival City, and will be staying the next two nights at the Holiday Inn Express in Internet City before I enjoy the hospitality of Nick and Mimi until I move into my new apartment. That's right it is finally completed and ready to move into. All we are waiting for is the Certificate of Occupancy from the Dubai Government. I am psyched. I should be moving in by next Wednesday, with any luck on Thanksgiving Day I will be in my new place.
So please keep all of us Americans that are over here, helping to keep the unemployment figures down in the states, while you enjoy your Thanksgiving meal with family and friends. Please try and remember all of the things that we should be thankful for, one of them that I am is I have friends that one to keep up with me, while I enjoy my Great Adventure.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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