Friday, January 25, 2013

The "Cost" of Living in Dubai....

My life in Dubai is becoming a series of routines. I get out of bed early, watch a little Fox news while I get dressed (Remember I am 9 hours ahead of you right now). Then I leave my apartment just before 8 am and drive the 5 minute drive to Subway. There Lisza fixes me my egg (American egg patty!) and cheese -a dash of salt and pepper - on Sesame Bread (Is Subway really cheating on the length? That is anti American, but may make it a little more Middle Eastern - lol) with my fresh cookies and Diet Coke to make it a meal ($10.61 with tip). Then I drive the additional 15 minutes to the Farmer's Market where my office is. The real joy to my week is the lunch time visits with friends and customers and the interactions with my customer friends. After my work day ends at around 6 pm, I head home, maybe stopping at the grocery store. Then most nights I cook grilled cheese with either Ham, Bacon or naked) or eat a bowl of cereal for dinner. During the evening watching whatever I have taped, maybe a random phone call to someone that I miss in the states. Occasionally, I will go online and check my Regions Bank balance and hope that somehow it has mysteriously grown, and my time here will grow shorter. The UAE is not a bad place to be, it's just not America. I know I am working to secure my future and hopefully many retirement years, but I also know that I am paying a price to be here.

The change of pace day is my "off day" Friday. Friday here is like Sunday in the states. Most Friday's I get up, have a bowl of cereal, write this blog. Shower, go out to drop off my weekly dry cleaning, have lunch and then run any errands that are left for me to finish. Friday night I call my mom and check in (usually we review the blog that she has just woken up and read. It is also part of the routine life I live here. Today, will be a little different. Mom had some rather serious surgery back in Virginia, and is recuperating in the hospital. My brother has asked me to wait until Saturday when she should be released to check in with her. I am worried, but she is as tough as nails, and I am sure she will be fine. When you read this on Saturday mom, I am thinking about you and praying for a speedy recovery. Not being close enough to friends and relatives in the states to be there for them is a price of living half way around the world.

Speaking of prices, I haven't followed up with you on the expensive ties here in Dubai. I think two weeks ago I shared that I found ties that were between $200 and $300 dollars in the Dubai Mall. I did find a store (Saccor) that had much better deals ($60). I also visited the KM Trading store (Bargain Indian Department store). They had some ties priced as low as 8 Dirhams ($2.18). Well I bought a couple of the $10.20 variety from the "style" rack lol. I now have developed a tie habit. In the last 2 plus weeks, I have purchased 7 new ties. Time to get that habit checked, a little like a woman and her

I did get a call from my car leasing company asking permission to charge my Master Card for the two tickets I got in December...sigh. Now talking about a waste of money - $400 to the Emirate (I could buy 189 ties at KM Trading for that lol). I think it is time to go back to religiously using the ole cruise control. I only get the date I "excessively sped" and the Emirate that I got caught in. I can request more information (even a copy of the ticket) but from experience, it would only mention in Arabic the roads name and the date. If I want to fight the fine/ticket I can by going to the "Ruler's Court". Yes enough said. I consented to my charge and I have moved along.

Speaking of costly, I got my second Filipina hair cut last night. I still cant believe that with tip, I am paying $48 for a hair cut. There are so many things I could write about the benefits of the salon ladies cutting my hair (I think next time I may get a pedicure also (would be my first ever). The guilty pleasure of people taking care of you is really a nice benefit over here. I still enjoy going to the spa twice a month for a $100 (including tip) massage. So, between massages and haircuts, that's $2,400 a that is a nice price to pay for pampering, and that I will miss paying for when I finally return to the USA.

Two months from now, I will be in Virginia. I need a vacation. In February there is a huge trade show in Dubai. The Gulf Food Show is humongous. For the first time since I arrived in Dubai, I get to attend the show as a visitor. It will be a totally different environment than the first two shows where I was responsible for keeping everybody happy (Customers, Senior Management, suppliers, and Sales people) and somehow have a "good" show. I do look forward to visiting with the many Americans that attend this show. It truly is a spectacle.

Kelly called this morning between her jet setting trips with her new job. She was in Switzerland and Jordan last week and is traveling to Egypt and New Orleans in the next 6 weeks). I will worry about my Canadian friend while she travels to New Orleans...the place just isn't My inner routine clock is telling me that it's time to hop in the shower and fulfil today's schedule. I hope you have a great weekend, and please keep my mother in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. hmm really a nice article to read. i am also living in Dubai and its quite a good experience for me. We friends really enjoy a lot here. we usually go out on Dhow Cruise Dubai, we love it a lot, it just beyond everything. I love Dubai and its beauty.
