Friday, May 31, 2013

Chapter 2

Well I can honestly say that I never expected to have the continuation of my Adventure from here in the USA. We will see how this goes, surprisingly the blog has been getting more than 50 readers a week, so I don't know if its strangers that stumbled across the blog, or Middle Eastern friends that hope I would continue or plain old American pals that I have rejoined but for some reason my ramblings entertain them. Regardless of why you are here, I will try and entertain and update you and as long as there are more than a handful of readers I will continue on.

Catching you up on whats happened to me, I accepted a job in Springfield, Missouri working for a family owned food service company that has been in business since 1865. The company originally took food orders and shipped the groceries through the plains to small railroad towns where the customer would meet the train and haul the goods back to the restaurant on a horse pulled wagon. Quite a history the company has, and the great, great grandson is the current owner. The owners are a wonderful family that the employees really like. I hope its the last company that I work for.

My manager (Todd) is one of my favorite all time bosses. This is the third time that we have worked together and the second time that I report directly to him. I accepted the position without hesitation because one of the things that I have learned in life is that you work for people more than you work for companies. Todd is a great person, and those of you that know him are either happy for me, or jealous, really hard to imagine working for a better man (he is not a blog reader or follower. I will probably not tell any of my current colleagues about the blog so I can share funnies freely.

I have stayed in touch with several of my UAE friends in the two months that I have been gone from the Middle East. Joseph has grown rich pawning off the furniture and dishes that I had to leave behind (just joking Joe). I only brought 4 suitcases and my laptop back to America, so I had to leave behind so many little used items or items (Like stainless steel side by side refrigerator) that just wouldn’t quite fit in the overhead bin. I tried my best to collect all of my deposits, and yet still have not successfully had my car lease deposit returned. I received a correspondence from Shift Leasing that they would wire my refund the first week of May. I apparently forgot to ask the first week of May of which year. So far, no money…but I remain hopeful. As you also may remember the Arab that hit my car in Dubai, successfully ran out the clock and did not pay me a dime. Oh well, I guess I will just forget that and move on (not likely…lol). I had lent a couple of people cash before I left; it is amazing how your friendship and debt status changes when you leave the country. I guess I am just an easy touch, but that feeling of being taken advantage of is really quite painful. The combination of feeling stupid for overly trusting combined with the anger you feel from someone thinking that they need not make sacrifices to repay someone who was kind enough to share their savings to help them in a pinch….Oh well, I guess being a sucker isn’t all bad, unfortunately it also causes me to think harder each time someone in my life asks for help.

My cell phone rang unexpectedly last week; it was my old friend Muzzy calling from Chicago’s NRA (National Restaurant association) trade show. It was good to spend a few minutes chatting with him, and I am very pleased that Muzzy finally has achieved his dream of visiting America. He was traveling from Chicago to Omaha to tour his first American Beef slaughtering facility. It should have been a very educational experience. I teased him about being a Muslim Middle Easterner visiting our country, but he gave me a good natured giggle. I don’t think I can appreciate the feelings that “good Muslims” must feel when they bear the burden of Westerners that associate them with the Jihadists that the free world battles every day.

I have been able to help one of my server friends get a new job in Dubai, it was very rewarding for me to be able to use my relationships to give someone a new opportunity. Three recommendations resulted in 3 interviews and two job offers – there are good people everywhere, and if you just treat people the right way, they generally will reciprocate (at this moment please ignore my earlier comments about unpaid loan

Kumail has returned from India to Dubai and has accepted a new job. I will try and get more details from him in the coming weeks. Juan and Hayley are still working hard for Transmed, hopefully stocking away cash for a brighter future when they return to the West. My other favorite Arab American Reem, is hanging in  quite nicely, but she probably will marry some LCS (Lebanese man) and live that life…lol…just teasing Reem. Anu (the young QA manager at Barakat) is still waiting to have her wedding date to be set by her family in India. Mahesh is nearing the opening phase for RK’s new facility for Barakat International in Dubai Industrial City. I understand they anticipate opening by June 15th, so I am sure the pressure is on for my friends.  Suresh and Jitesh are still working hard for Barakat, 6 days a week, and extremely limited holidays, are one of the things I failed to change. Vineet is still selling fruits and vegetables for Barakat, I am very proud of well he has done.

As I stated earlier, it’s the people that I miss. Rodz and I have actually figured out how to Skype together…Before you ask, I don’t know what the future holds. Absence makes the heart grow fonder…

I have only chatted with Kelly a couple of times, it’s funny, I don’t feel the urgency to talk with her, I feel very good about our friendship, and I truly believe that we are there for each other. She is traveling around the Middle East working for Ace Hardware…Kelly makes a good “tool time girl”…

Ok stand on your head, then you will see lol...

I have settled into my Duplex in Springfield, last night I snapped a couple of pictures, because I know how a lot of you need pictures to accompany my drivel. I am worried about my decorating skills, (Todd’s wife Deborah has helped me) but after visiting and Art and rug sale in a big tent and “Hobby Lobby” several times (a store for people that want to decorate their homes….sigh) I am a couple plants and lamps away from being finished. My brother Mike and a friend of his stopped by on their way out west chasing fortunes (amongst other things). I think my mother had sent him for a full report…lol. Actually, Mom and dad (Health permitting) are planning on visiting in August.

I still have the daily challenges in my life (last week I had lathered my face with shaving Gel, only to choke and then snort it up my nose, and then really choke-death seemed imminent) …I know only me. There has been a lot of traumatic weather (floods and Tornados) since I arrived in Springfield. I live 45 minutes away from Joplin, and Oklahoma is less than an hour. Today (the 31st) they are expecting 5 inches of rain and an afternoon tornado outbreak. I know in Dubai the summer of 100 degree temps has begun, but I definitely prefer Heat to tornados. I hope to chronicle this stuff and hopefully make it interesting. Let’s see where this blog goes….It is great to be home, but not a day goes by that I don’t reflect on my friends and the people of the UAE.

God Bless and God willing I will see you back here around the 15th of June. Please drop me a note and let me know how you are doing.

Friday, May 17, 2013

It Seems Like Yesterday...

I have to admit that I am surprised by how much I miss the people that became my friends in the 33 months that I lived in the UAE. Yes, I swore that I was done with this blogging thing when I returned to the USA, but my good friend Vineet, wouldn't stop nagging me. He is such a good soul, before I left he stuck by my side and he kept saying, "John, you got to keep Blogging"...and I would say, are you crazy?...Well, Vineet called me today, and I thought if that fool friend of mine is going to waste his hard earned Dirhams calling me, I would give it a shot. I don't know how long I will continue this blog,  but for now, I will blog a couple of times a month....On the 1st and the 15th. I will try and keep my American friends aprised of what's up with the people that they read about the last three years in the Middle East, and I will hopefully interest my friends from Dubai with the tales from my new stomping ground in the Ozarks of America, and the observations from my new hometown in Springfield, Missouri.

So, hopefully a few of you are around, I will start chapter two by June first...

Vineet sent me a couple of pics...

First, the old broken down American takes his last stroll through Dubai's airport to catch that flight back home...

Life goes on for the friends he left behind....
As Vineet, Kumail and Muzzy celebrate their Cricket championship in April...See you back here in a couple of weeks...