Thursday, August 15, 2013

Surrounded by Indians Again....

I have thought about Suresh, Vinny, Kumail, and Joseph a lot this week. I am at an Oklahoma Indian Casino trade show in Oklahoma City. I keep picturing Suresh flashing his pearly white grin at me, as we would be people watching together, with his patented "oh my goodness". The American Indians are so different than the Asian Indians, so I am not quite sure how Christopher Columbus got confused.

Speaking of confused, my parents are in Branson this week (a resort city about a half a hour from my place). They are staying at a time share with their life long friends the Browns. I took them out to dinner on Sunday, and am treating them again on Thursday and Friday. Their health seems to be holding out just fine. It was also good to see their life long best friends Eldon and Ruth Brown after all these years.

I did get to attend the Bruno Mars concert in St. Louis last week. I have really began to like his music and style. At the concert I realized who he reminded me of....Kool and the Gang. I never got to see Kool and the Gang play in person, but the smooth R & B Vocals and the brass band that accompanies Bruno are just a modernized version of that 70's band....have no fear music reviews will not be a big part of future

Well in our last visit together two weeks ago, I resisted the temptation to give you an "I told you so" over our American Governments' policies in Egypt. I believe if you look back a couple of blogs, I noted that we (our Government) were supporting Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood over what the people and the military of Egypt seemed to want. It will be interesting to see where the Egyptian Military takes the country...

I am enjoying my daily Skype with Rodz in Dubai, I don't think she has enjoyed the heat of Dubai this summer. Ramadan has ended, and after a few days of celebration, the boring hot summer of Dubai will keep things lazy and slow there until late September.

I am sorry that I am a little late with the blog today...I got in after midnight from my trip, and just found myself short of time. I will try and do better when I see you again around the first of September. God Bless...

Thursday, August 1, 2013

If I Fall and Break My Hip, Will the Death Panel put me to Sleep?

Greeting from damp and cool Springfield, Missouri. On July 31st last year, I was baking in the heat of Dubai counting the days until the restrictive days of Ramadan would end. It still amazes me that my Muslim friends like Muzzy and Kumail would spend their daylight hours with not one drop of moisture passing their lips as they went about their day celebrating Ramadan in sweltering temperatures that routinely approached 120 degrees. Just thinking about it now is going to make me get up and grab an icy cold Diet Pepsi from my frig.

Fred and I spent the weekend in Cincinnati watching the Pirates and Reds play baseball.
Fred snapped this photo of me looking like a recluse on Sunday afternoon. The photo Fred would have liked to have taken was of me on Saturday night at the game. I was maneuvering back to my seat with my diet soda and hotdog waiting to be devoured when I got comfortably seated. As I had squeezed in front of people in earlier innings, I decided I would do the smart thing and take the row next to mine and the climb over the seats to get comfortable to my chair. Yes, the scary thing that can happen in the upper deck of the stadium happened, I lost my balance and went tumbling over the seats landing face and elbow first into the cement aisle, my soda drenching me. I laid on the hard concrete wondering if the only thing that was broken was my pride. I will say that Fred tried to catch me as I tumbled over the seat - tried is the operative word. He whiffed and I groaned in agony at his failure. A young fan (we are talking mid 30's which now seems so youthful to me) scurried to my aid and helped me to my feet as he checked on my condition. I was sore for a week, it is hell to get old. I jokingly (I think it was a joke) shared with Fred that I need one of those medic alert necklaces so I can press the button and say "I've fallen, and I can't get up." Two weeks later, I am still thinking about what possibly Fred could have been laughing at. We enjoyed our boys weekend in Cincinnati, and my July adventure was a big success.

Next week my fun August event is planned. I have a date with a loyal friend to the Bruno Mars concert in St. Louis. I am psyched! He is probably one of my favorite singers and I was even more surprised when an attractive friend asked me to be her guest (yes - she is a citizen, so the date has nothing to do with gaining a passport). Reminds me a story about the Russian model that I dated in Dubai for about the 5 longest weeks of my, I guess that is not a story for the blog. I will try and get a picture of us together at the concert.

Speaking of love lives, Rodz is enjoying the last of her month long vacation at home in the Philippines. Through the miracle of Skype phone we talk almost every day. It is a 13 hours time difference there, so I try and call her at night before I go to sleep and as she begins her day. We grow closer as we are far apart....Life is sometimes so unfair.

Speaking of talking with beautiful friends, Vinny sent me an email and he is, actually that is true, but the more beautiful friend Kelly returned to Canada for a wedding and to see her parents. We had a nice long conversation. She is still loving being with Sammy (Maybe I will get to go to Jordan for a wedding???) and seemed so happy. It was emotional for me to talk with her, she was such a good friend to me in Dubai, and I will always love her for that. She promised me she was putting away some savings, but had no idea where she would end up living in the future....I guess I should just hope its someplace I would like to visit. I get misty eyed typing about her, so lets move along.

My good little gal pal Nikky from Dar Jeeling contacted me about moving to Springfield and working here.
Bhupali on my right and Nikky on my left

She is a great worker, so once she assured me that she was serious, I got her a job offer with one of my customers, and we made plans to move her here. Of course, when she shared her plans with her employers in Dubai, she was promoted to a manager and extended her contract. I guess I helped her, but I really was looking forward to having her around. I miss my lil Dar Jeeling gals.

Last weeks blog was a downer with me contemplating the end of my life and the people that died prematurely around me, so this weeks theme has been about the attractive women that have surrounded and blessed me the last couple of years with their different types of love. From the sweet family type of love that I received from Kelly, Bhupali and Nikky to the old love that has turned into an awesome friendship with my pal in St. Louis, to the refreshing, please don't pinch me and wake me up whirl wind romance I shared with Rodz...then there was the kind of love that I shared with my Russian friend...Oh, just saw that it is after midnight here in Springfield, and I do have to work tomorrow...Maybe I can finish my love fest stories sometime soon. What I do know is that I am very fortunate to have so many "lovely" friends.
I hope August is an awesome month for you....Happy birthday Fred (Aug. 2nd) he and Debbie are cruising to Nassau right now. Speaking of cruising, my parents are cruising into Branson next week, so I am sure there will be a photo op there. See you back here on the 15th...God Bless!