Thursday, August 15, 2013

Surrounded by Indians Again....

I have thought about Suresh, Vinny, Kumail, and Joseph a lot this week. I am at an Oklahoma Indian Casino trade show in Oklahoma City. I keep picturing Suresh flashing his pearly white grin at me, as we would be people watching together, with his patented "oh my goodness". The American Indians are so different than the Asian Indians, so I am not quite sure how Christopher Columbus got confused.

Speaking of confused, my parents are in Branson this week (a resort city about a half a hour from my place). They are staying at a time share with their life long friends the Browns. I took them out to dinner on Sunday, and am treating them again on Thursday and Friday. Their health seems to be holding out just fine. It was also good to see their life long best friends Eldon and Ruth Brown after all these years.

I did get to attend the Bruno Mars concert in St. Louis last week. I have really began to like his music and style. At the concert I realized who he reminded me of....Kool and the Gang. I never got to see Kool and the Gang play in person, but the smooth R & B Vocals and the brass band that accompanies Bruno are just a modernized version of that 70's band....have no fear music reviews will not be a big part of future

Well in our last visit together two weeks ago, I resisted the temptation to give you an "I told you so" over our American Governments' policies in Egypt. I believe if you look back a couple of blogs, I noted that we (our Government) were supporting Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood over what the people and the military of Egypt seemed to want. It will be interesting to see where the Egyptian Military takes the country...

I am enjoying my daily Skype with Rodz in Dubai, I don't think she has enjoyed the heat of Dubai this summer. Ramadan has ended, and after a few days of celebration, the boring hot summer of Dubai will keep things lazy and slow there until late September.

I am sorry that I am a little late with the blog today...I got in after midnight from my trip, and just found myself short of time. I will try and do better when I see you again around the first of September. God Bless...

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