Tuesday, April 15, 2014

No Worries - The US State Department is here to save the day,,,Sigh

       I try my to come here twice a month to write something that may be funny and sometimes even insightful. I am opinionated (surprise) and a political creature, but I do realize that a lot of regular blog readers that check into see my drivel actually like to read my political rants. I also know that quite a few of you know me and just check-in to see how I am and read about my ongoing Rodz saga. Those  friends would just as soon not hear my views on politics. Please try and understand that I try and make both of these groups smile (or cry) and entice you to return for another day. When I think about ending this blog, (I feel like it has become stale) I think that if and when Rodz does get here, there will be plenty of stories that make you smile, and a few that will moisten your eyes. So for now, we plod along.

     Rodz calls the Abu Dhabi Embassy 2 or 3 times a month to see if she can schedule her final Immigration interview. She shares with me that they tell her to be patient and share with her that  if she keeps calling she may end up at the back of the line. Well, Rodz Visa expired Feb. 28th (I have been assured that after her interview it will be extended for 60 days) and I have become irritated with the slow progress as we plod along (hard to believe I found two opportunities to use the word "plod" in this blog) in this process.
Well, as you may recall - I called the State Department in late February and found a helpful person that informed me that Rodz's case file left the Manila Embassy on Feb. 7th headed to Abu Dhabi  by diplomatic pouch. I wrote an email about the case file to the Abu Dhabi Embassy on April 4th, I received a reply on April 7th that they didn't know where the file is. I called the State Department, they informed me that the file is MIA. I was promised that they would do a quick internal investigation and they would phone me by Monday, April 14th to update me. Well, the 14th has come and gone, and sadly, my government did not find an opportunity to contact me. The saga continues...

     One of Rodz's favorite jokes with me is that she is "Mrs. Broke". I try and humor her by making fun of her extravagant lifestyle living in the poorest area of Dubai (Satwa) sharing a villa with 14 other Philippino's.
Well, I finally have found her weak spot. Rodz has a company van that picks her up every morning at 8 am, and takes her to work. That same van takes her home where she arrives 6 days a week at 10 pm. Incredibly long days. Well, I found out that so she can sleep an extra 45 minutes every day, by (when she has enough cash) taking a taxi to work. Now before that shocks you, one should realize that taxi's in Dubai are very affordable. Rodz says that a cab ride to her work cost her about 15 Dirhams (less than 4 dollars). I asked her how much she tipped the Pakistani cabbies and she said her fare is usually 14.5 to 14.75 Dirhams, but she lets the driver keep the change for a tip ...yes - that would be 8 cents. I think proper tipping will
be one of the first lessons that I will quickly have to share with Rodz when she arrives in America. Well this morning before I left for work, (Rodz and I were chatting on Skype) I told Rodz I was running late for work, and my taxi just arrived...Rodz wanted to know what happened to "our" car, and why am I taking a taxi. Well, Mrs. Broke took about 5 seconds before I got scolded for "teasing" her....(my new favorite hobby). We shared a chuckle, what a great way to start my day.

      The first week in April, I made my annual pilgrimage to Atlanta for my fantasy baseball draft. I have been involved in this League for a quarter century. The guys that (12 of us) I compete with have become almost like family. Yes, a real family complete with dysfunctional uncle's...lol. I stayed with my college pal Danny and his lovely bride Laura. I had a first time in my life disaster just before I left their home to travel to St. Louis. I used the guest bathroom, and managed to clog the toilet. At the same embarrassing moment, the chain came undone inside the back of the toilet. Let me just say, a clogged toilet with the water running unchecked quickly turns into an embarrassing mess. Danny came and pretended he was a member of FEMA and helped stop the flood. The animals were approaching 2 by 2 as I fixed the tank. I hope that next time I visit, the wading pool is closed... I also crammed a Mexican dinner in with my friends Lee and Cheryl...hmmm, could that be related to my bathroom adventure at Danny's? Ok, enough of my embarrassing moment. It was really nice seeing all of them.

      On my way home to Springfield, I stopped into St. Louis for the
St. Louis Cardinals home opener against my Cincinnati Reds. I went with an old friend of mine that I worked with at SYSCO St. Louis. Steve and I withstood a cold, raw, and wet day. The company of my friend made the day a huge success. April started off well...

On May 3rd my cousin Brooke is getting married in Ohio. I was really looking forward to bringing Rodz with me to meet the extended family, Sadly, it looks like I am going solo now. Keep your fingers crossed that Rodz gets to enjoy her birthday on June 10th here in America. It's late, I need to get some sleep, or I might get up late and have to take a taxi to work...lol, take care see you in a couple of weeks!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

One Quick Year

It was just one year ago last week that I ended my 3 year journey to Dubai and returned to the USA. I can honestly say not a day goes by that I don't converse with someone from the UAE or fondly tell stories to my friends and colleagues here about the time I spent on the other side of the world. It is funny how we tend to remember the good times more than we remember the struggles.

Later this week, I am traveling to Atlanta for my fantasy baseball league draft. Here I am, a 51 year old, and my avocation is fantasy baseball. I have been a part of this same league for 25 years. I am far from the oldest, as several of the guys are my senior. I had planned on flying Rodz into Atlanta the day after my draft...sadly, well you know. I actually received an update from the Abu Dhabi Embassy yesterday. As you may recall, the State Department informed me in late February that Rodz's case file was sent by "diplomatic Pouch" from the Philippines to Abu Dhabi on February 7th. Rodz is still waiting for the Embassy to call and schedule her Homeland Security interview, which thankfully is the last step to immigrating to America. Well, I thought I would send an official inquiry to see what the holdup was at the American Embassy in Abu Dhabi. Sadly, I got a reply yesterday. They have not received the case file in Abu Dhabi. I called the State Department, they said to be patient. Patience is a virtue that I am running dreadfully short of.

My new account in Kansas City is up and running. I am really excited about the opportunity that lies ahead. They are planning on opening a new location every other month.
Fenway Steakburger March 2014
Let's keep our fingers crossed that I can keep them happy and loyal as they grow.
My real exciting adventure for April is not my traveling to Atlanta. I have tickets to opening day in St. Louis next Monday, to watch my Cincinnati Reds hopefully beat my second favorite team the St. Louis Cardinals. I am going with one of my best friends from my SYSCO St. Louis days, Steve Reznikov. Steve loves the Cardinals and we should share a lot of good natured bantering. He is one of my favorite people, and has a great sense of humor. He also shares my loathing of post game traffic, so it will be interesting how late we stay. I also have to drive the over 3 hours home to Springfield after the game, since I have to work on Tuesday.
I sadly have not much else to share today. I hope that you are enjoying opening week of baseball like I am. Maybe, just maybe our government will find Rodz's file, then I can hopefully give you a better update on tax day. Take care and God Bless!