Tuesday, April 1, 2014

One Quick Year

It was just one year ago last week that I ended my 3 year journey to Dubai and returned to the USA. I can honestly say not a day goes by that I don't converse with someone from the UAE or fondly tell stories to my friends and colleagues here about the time I spent on the other side of the world. It is funny how we tend to remember the good times more than we remember the struggles.

Later this week, I am traveling to Atlanta for my fantasy baseball league draft. Here I am, a 51 year old, and my avocation is fantasy baseball. I have been a part of this same league for 25 years. I am far from the oldest, as several of the guys are my senior. I had planned on flying Rodz into Atlanta the day after my draft...sadly, well you know. I actually received an update from the Abu Dhabi Embassy yesterday. As you may recall, the State Department informed me in late February that Rodz's case file was sent by "diplomatic Pouch" from the Philippines to Abu Dhabi on February 7th. Rodz is still waiting for the Embassy to call and schedule her Homeland Security interview, which thankfully is the last step to immigrating to America. Well, I thought I would send an official inquiry to see what the holdup was at the American Embassy in Abu Dhabi. Sadly, I got a reply yesterday. They have not received the case file in Abu Dhabi. I called the State Department, they said to be patient. Patience is a virtue that I am running dreadfully short of.

My new account in Kansas City is up and running. I am really excited about the opportunity that lies ahead. They are planning on opening a new location every other month.
Fenway Steakburger March 2014
Let's keep our fingers crossed that I can keep them happy and loyal as they grow.
My real exciting adventure for April is not my traveling to Atlanta. I have tickets to opening day in St. Louis next Monday, to watch my Cincinnati Reds hopefully beat my second favorite team the St. Louis Cardinals. I am going with one of my best friends from my SYSCO St. Louis days, Steve Reznikov. Steve loves the Cardinals and we should share a lot of good natured bantering. He is one of my favorite people, and has a great sense of humor. He also shares my loathing of post game traffic, so it will be interesting how late we stay. I also have to drive the over 3 hours home to Springfield after the game, since I have to work on Tuesday.
I sadly have not much else to share today. I hope that you are enjoying opening week of baseball like I am. Maybe, just maybe our government will find Rodz's file, then I can hopefully give you a better update on tax day. Take care and God Bless!

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