Thursday, September 10, 2015

Update, unfinished business, my Princess is on her way...

I sometimes miss the therapy this blog provided me. Writing about what was going on in my life, gave me a good time to reflect. I also felt that I had left this blog with no ending causing people that stumble upon it to wonder what came next...well, here is your update...

I went back to work for Kuna Foods in St. Louis as Rodz and I went through the immigration process. We continued to answer the government requirements, and eventually had a final interview opportunity scheduled for Sept. 9, 2015.

Rodz made a trip home to the Philippines this past summer to finish getting her documentation. One big final hurdle was Rodz's father. I called him to ask permission to marry his daughter, we had a long (very long) conversation in which he asked a lot of questions, but in the end he gave his blessing. The change in Rodz was immediate, I hadn't realized how important this was for her. Well to keep a long blog short, my good friend Vinny, drove Rodz to Abu Dhabi to the American Embassy for her interview, and she was granted her Visa to travel to America and join me. It's unclear what date she will be coming (between Sept. 26 & Oct. 10), but we are both very excited. 

I promise to update periodically....thank you for checking in.

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