Friday, May 6, 2016

And Summer Begins...

      It is so freaking hot in the UAE, in case I haven't wined about that before. It reached 118 degrees this week, and we now have begun a string of 100 degree plus days that probably won't be interrupted until late September (no its not dry heat, we are right on the Arabian gulf). The heat wipes you out, I have never been so tired in my life. Today is Friday in the UAE, the equivalent of an American Sunday. I woke up a little later than normal (around 7) had a bowl of cereal, then laid back down to rest my eyes - next thing I knew it was 11:20 and I am still tired. In the next couple of weeks we can turn off the hot water heater, because the water is so warm from the desert pipes that it will produce steam from the cold can't make this stuff up.
        Almost as rough on me as the heat, I have had a health scare. Last week I woke up one morning with my right eye's vision obstructed. I thought it might clear up during the day, but it didn't. I called my doctor and he advised me to make an emergency trip to an ophthalmologist. He diagnosed that I had a blood clot in the back of my eye ball that had burst. I had many tests (including having dye injected into my body that made pictures of my eye show the damages that have occurred).  I have laser surgery scheduled to begin on Monday (it will take three surgeries, one week apart). The prognosis for recovery of sight is good, although their is a significant risk of loss of peripheral vision and the chance of diminished night vision. Vinny and Rodz have been by my side at every doctors visit. Rodz cried when she heard the diagnosis, it was both sweet and very sad...
         Speaking of Rodz being sweet, I forgot to share a cute story about her. As you may remember, my dad had a health scare, and was admitted for about 2 months into an assisted living facility for rehabilitation. I visited him while I was home, and he has since been allowed to return home with a brand new pace maker installed to help his 86 year old heart pump enough blood. Now comes the cute wife part of the story...When I called Rodz from my moms, she immediately asked about dad. She wanted to know if he was still in the "orphanage". When I stopped chuckling, I shared with Rodz that he was in a nursing home not an orphanage, that an orphanage was for people without parents. She didn't even pause as she reminded me that dad no longer had parents, I guess I am learning that the wife is never wrong...
          Sorry the blog is short this week, just wanted to touch base and ask for your good thoughts and prayers that I come out of these surgeries with repaired eyes, and no side effects...Thank you in advance...see you back here very soon...

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