Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Move over John, there's a new sales stud in the family!

       I hope your Ramadan has been cooler than mine...Between hospital procedures and hot days it's not been a fun June. The long hot Dubai summer has begun with temps most days climbing into the 120's, and no it's not a "dry" heat...Dubai sits on the Arabian Gulf, so it reminds me of summer in Florida times 3!
         I have now had two procedures on my legs at the hospital. In an attempt to reduce the swelling. The Orthopedic surgeon placed me in a reclining bed and attached a body suit to my lower body that squeezed the swelling out of my legs into my upper body.

Miserable patient
        So after this procedure they wrapped my legs with zinc bandages and game me strict orders, no showers for two weeks. Nothing better on a 128 degree day than no shower for two weeks. sigh, We bought baby wipes and I bath in the sink each morning. This Saturday I will have a new MRI done, and the surgeon thinks I will need surgery on my left leg to repair a damaged artery. So, hopefully I will be able to share a successful surgery and recovery story next blog.
         My better half has started working as a sales promoter selling perfume at Duty Free at the Dubai Airport. She works the graveyard shift from 11 pm until 7 am every night. She is working on my visa and insurance, so the cost to her employer is low so they  can pay better. Before incentive, she is making 3 times more than she has ever made before. I will say that she is so excited and her moodiness has virtually disappeared. If she sells 15 units of perfume she gets a nice bonus. On her first night she sold 1 bottle and came dragging in all depressed about how hard it was. I thought she might quit, not Rodz....she sucked it up and started selling a few more each night. She finally sold 15 last Thursday....She was so proud. Last night she sold 22 units and her bonus was more than her shift pay, now I am proud of my lil sales machine!
Success breakfast - 22 sold June 28

        Rodz celebrated her success with a 7:15AM breakfast in the employee dining area at Dubai Airport.
         Time for me to get some sleep, another long hot day tomorrow. If I don't check in earlier, I wish you all a happy 4th of July! Please keep me in your thoughts that all goes well at the hospital this Saturday....

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