Friday, July 22, 2016

Big Drama in UAE, I think I have survived...

        Yes, two posts within a week - the world is changing. First, let me start with the feel good for me part of this, as promised a picture from my office in Dubai taken this past Tuesday, for those who have known me less than 36 years (even Fred doesn't know this John)...
July 2016
        I have to admit, it feels funny to not be embarrassingly huge. Now to get in cardio shape. Fingers crossed....
         Work has been an extreme challenge. I don't think I have ever felt more stress in my work life. I have 170 employees that wake up and come to work each day, and the decisions I make determines their future in so many ways. God has blessed me with this responsibility - and I pray that the decisions I make secure the future of my company and the employees that I am blessed to work with. Things happen everyday, from an employee losing control of his car in the parking lot and hitting 6 other cars, to a driver missing his brake and hitting another truck before crashing into our property wall, to a driver rolling his truck into the medium of a round about, every week has its challenges.
           I heard this week from my good friend Officer Danny Messimer. He shared that retirement is probably waiting for next spring - so I was early....just be safe Danny. Ok, you got your short bonus blog with promised picture....see you back here very soon....

1 comment:

  1. I ve read a bit through your blog and this really seems like a extraordinary adventure!
    What made you accept this job in the end? Were you scared?
    I mean this is a big step and the region is so different and not entirely stable.
    When I went to Spain last year for only 3 weeks I was a nervous wreck in the days before I left :D
    I could not sleep and did not eat much, I was really close to canceling the trip, but the my wife showed me my horoscope(I think it was on this site) which said that I had a great time ahead of me.
    That was the last little push I needed and it was a great time indeed :)
