Friday, August 5, 2016

Lean and can be tough, but hopefully you learn and grow...

       Lying on the couch this afternoon, feeling like I am slowly healing. I am holding steady at 175 lbs, and have hopefully finished most of my surgeries. My kidneys and bladder are working normally, and it seems the bouts with dizziness that I have been suffering through may be caused by a low hemoglobin count (mine is at 8 - should be at 13). So now I am taking an iron supplement that I am hopeful will fix this issue. I finally had surgery on my left leg, they were closing arteries and ripping branch arteries out, in the end I have five holes that are bandaged up that hopefully will be healed in a week. So, what doesn't kill you will make you stronger.
        The above seems like the tough news, but honestly its the easy stuff, work and marriage not so good, hope to update you soon. Rodz is leaving Sunday for a 3 week vacation to the Philippines with her mom, hopefully she will dodge the cyclones and return happy and refreshed. Sorry this is a short update, I will try and give better and more news soon.
        Please leep us in your prayers...

Friday, July 22, 2016

Big Drama in UAE, I think I have survived...

        Yes, two posts within a week - the world is changing. First, let me start with the feel good for me part of this, as promised a picture from my office in Dubai taken this past Tuesday, for those who have known me less than 36 years (even Fred doesn't know this John)...
July 2016
        I have to admit, it feels funny to not be embarrassingly huge. Now to get in cardio shape. Fingers crossed....
         Work has been an extreme challenge. I don't think I have ever felt more stress in my work life. I have 170 employees that wake up and come to work each day, and the decisions I make determines their future in so many ways. God has blessed me with this responsibility - and I pray that the decisions I make secure the future of my company and the employees that I am blessed to work with. Things happen everyday, from an employee losing control of his car in the parking lot and hitting 6 other cars, to a driver missing his brake and hitting another truck before crashing into our property wall, to a driver rolling his truck into the medium of a round about, every week has its challenges.
           I heard this week from my good friend Officer Danny Messimer. He shared that retirement is probably waiting for next spring - so I was early....just be safe Danny. Ok, you got your short bonus blog with promised picture....see you back here very soon....

Monday, July 18, 2016

90 Percent humidity brings a heat index of 160 degrees to the UAE, is hell hotter?

       Some people think Thomas Edison or Leonardo Davinci are the greatest inventors in history. I think not, I now firmly believe that Willis Carrier, who on July 17, 1902 invented air conditioning is my hero. So on Sunday, I celebrated the 114th anniversary by attempting to stay cool in sweltering Dubai. The heat index actual reached 160 degrees this past weekend. It is scary walking just a few feet in the blistering sunshine. We have turned off the water heaters in our apartment, with the water heated in the dessert pipes being so warm that it will steam up the bathroom. I will be able to share heat stories as long as I live.
       Speaking of living, there is good news on the medical front. Most of you that have seen me in the last couple of years know that I have grown quite the belly. Last October, I weighed 231 lbs (107 kgs) and was generally in poor health. I changed my diet, got serious (and married) about dropping some weight. By the time I returned to the States in March of this spring, I was down to 205 lbs, yet the belly was still stubbornly present. Finally, the belly is gone...this morning I weighed 176 lbs (80 kgs). I now weigh less than I have since my sophomore year of high school. I remember seeing obesity charts saying at my height that I should be under 190, thinking I never would be able to get under 200 lbs again. Let's hope that I can keep it off and enjoy an old age in somewhat better health. My leg surgery to repair damaged blood vessels is scheduled for this Sunday...fingers crossed. I will try and find something that fits and post a picture next week....I hope I am not forever a "skinny" fat guy (someone that lost weight but you can only remember him as a fat (like Al Roker or Al Sharpton).
           Watching all these police shootings, hardly a day goes by that I don't think of my good buddy Danny Messimer. He has served as a Marietta, GA police officer for over 30 years and is nearing retirement (I believe in August). How people can justify killing police officers to redress some wrong they feel, is sickening., Thank you Danny for your service and please stay safe. I am also blessed to call General Rodney Fogg a friend. He has served our country for over 30 years also. Men (and women) that devote their careers to keep us safe are special people. God Bless you both...
         God willing, I will see you here again shortly...Stay cool as only Willis Carrier would have you do....

Friday, July 8, 2016

Six years ago...

        As I enjoyed the 4th of July holiday (yes, just another day at work) I was reminded that 6 years ago, on the night of July 3rd, Bob Green and I boarded a plane in Atlanta, GA to begin our journey in the Middle East. We took off from Hartsfield Airport and could see the fireworks shows below as we headed to London to catch our connecting flight to Dubai. So many things have changed in the last 6 years - that very first fall in Dubai I met my future wife as she waited on me at a restaurant in Dubai Mall. Marriage can be tougher than a job, I am sure that my married friends understand, not sure that I do.
        The UAE is still a stable Kingdom with a very safe environment. The police (both secret and uniformed) are numerous, and keep the peace. The rest of the Middle East has disintegrated into instability and chaos. The United States has its fingerprints all over it. We encouraged the Arab Spring, first undermining our close alley Mubarak in Egypt supporting the Muslim Brotherhood's rise to power. After the people turned on the brotherhood as they enforced Sharia Law and burned Christian churches, the Egyptian Military stepped in to retake control and protect the people. Our US Government called it a coup and demanded the Egyptian Military turn back control to the Muslim Brotherhood - thankfully the military ignored our demands.
        Next we helped overthrow the Khadafy government in Libya (we know how well that's gone) - Then we encouraged Syrians to overturn their government. We abandoned Iraq, pulling everyone of our military personnel
out creating the vacuum that ISIS filled. We appeased Iran as they march towards becoming a nuclear state, bent on destroying Israel. The Middle East is a mess, and our governments fingerprints are all over it.
         The irony of the above rant, is this morning I have been watching the Dallas Police shootings and realize as I hear the divisive comments from our President in Poland, that as big a mess as I have here our government appears to be failing its leadership role not only around the World, but in our homeland. I think I am safer here right now.
          Quick medical update, going back to hospital tomorrow for one last procedure on my leg, surgery is tentavely scheduled for July 19. In the meantime, the busted blood clot behind my right eye is slowly dissipating, hopefully will be able to have that final eye "lazoring" later this month.
           We are in the beginnings of  the long hot summer, everyday it reaches between 115 and 125 degrees. The only thing hotter has been Rodz's perfume sells. honestly, she has been selling 20 plus almost every night, even reaching 44 one night. Quite the little selling machine.
            Thank you for taking the time to read my rant, back to lol's next time. God bless you and God Bless America!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Move over John, there's a new sales stud in the family!

       I hope your Ramadan has been cooler than mine...Between hospital procedures and hot days it's not been a fun June. The long hot Dubai summer has begun with temps most days climbing into the 120's, and no it's not a "dry" heat...Dubai sits on the Arabian Gulf, so it reminds me of summer in Florida times 3!
         I have now had two procedures on my legs at the hospital. In an attempt to reduce the swelling. The Orthopedic surgeon placed me in a reclining bed and attached a body suit to my lower body that squeezed the swelling out of my legs into my upper body.

Miserable patient
        So after this procedure they wrapped my legs with zinc bandages and game me strict orders, no showers for two weeks. Nothing better on a 128 degree day than no shower for two weeks. sigh, We bought baby wipes and I bath in the sink each morning. This Saturday I will have a new MRI done, and the surgeon thinks I will need surgery on my left leg to repair a damaged artery. So, hopefully I will be able to share a successful surgery and recovery story next blog.
         My better half has started working as a sales promoter selling perfume at Duty Free at the Dubai Airport. She works the graveyard shift from 11 pm until 7 am every night. She is working on my visa and insurance, so the cost to her employer is low so they  can pay better. Before incentive, she is making 3 times more than she has ever made before. I will say that she is so excited and her moodiness has virtually disappeared. If she sells 15 units of perfume she gets a nice bonus. On her first night she sold 1 bottle and came dragging in all depressed about how hard it was. I thought she might quit, not Rodz....she sucked it up and started selling a few more each night. She finally sold 15 last Thursday....She was so proud. Last night she sold 22 units and her bonus was more than her shift pay, now I am proud of my lil sales machine!
Success breakfast - 22 sold June 28

        Rodz celebrated her success with a 7:15AM breakfast in the employee dining area at Dubai Airport.
         Time for me to get some sleep, another long hot day tomorrow. If I don't check in earlier, I wish you all a happy 4th of July! Please keep me in your thoughts that all goes well at the hospital this Saturday....

Friday, June 10, 2016

Guess who turned 31 today....

      Greetings from a Ramadan celebrating scorching Dubai. You know its hot when at 830 in the morning its 108 degrees. Sadly, June just begins the heat wave....often in August the overnight lows stay above the 100 degree mark. The heat combined with Ramadan absolutely kills the restaurant business. As you may or may not know, during Ramadan the faithful Muslims fast during daylight hours. They don't eat, drink or even chew gum. From Sunrise till sunset nothing is suppose to pass their lips. In support of that almost all of the restaurants in this nation close during daylight hours. It's 30 days of sacrifice and respectful understanding. It's also a time when many westerners travel back to their home countries for a vacation.
        Speaking about westerners traveling home, our quest to get Rodz some kind of Visa to be able to travel freely back and forth to America has reached another road block. Fred received notification that our application has been deemed to be abandoned. Unfortunately, that means we will have to start the process all over again. I think its now time to hire an immigration attorney. Oh well, we will see what our future holds.
         Rodz was born on June 10, 1985...just about the time I graduated from college. She decided that for her 31st birthday she would get to have several days of celebrating.
Rodz 31st birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse Dubai Mall

      On Tuesday, I was lucky enough to treat Rodz and her Dubai family (and anybody with a Philippine passport lol) to a steak dinner at my favorite Dubai dining spot, Texas Roadhouse.
Today, I gave her a thrill by taking her out to the business park and letting her practice driving for over an hour. No damage to my car, but an extremely happy Rodz made the attempt at pleasing her a huge success. She broke one of her three phones, so her last present will be a new phone (don't ask me) - and she wants a new IPhone 6. Its no wonder that we haven't saved any money yet on this trip in, hopefully by September, the saving will begin. Rodz new job at Duty Free at Dubai's airport is suppose to begin this coming week, so our financial house can begin to get in order.
       Speaking of getting things in order, my ankle unfortunately needs more help. My toe infection is seemingly healed, but my ankle is still as big as a grapefruit. I now have seen a specialist (vascular surgeon). Thankfully, I have excellent insurance. This week I am suppose to check into the hospital for some procedures to alleviate the swelling that I am experiencing. Of course, I will let you know. On the eye front, I am going to have one more laser procedure on my blood clotted right eye. Because of the blood in the back of my eye, that will take place in July. Let's hope that July will finally bring me good health.
       Time for bed, hope you are well, and having a cool summer....see you back here soon!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Hide the women and children, Rodz is learning to drive

       Memorial day in America, is just another hot work day in Dubai. I owe you some updates on my health, so lets get started there...My eye lazar surgery treatments are almost complete. Still have the remnants of my busted eye clot in my right eye. I have had three separate treatments on both eyes to prevent future clots. I will hopefully only have one more treatment on my right eye in early July after the blood clot dissipates.  So far, thankfully no eye complications. The ankle has been a rougher story. As you may recall I fell down the stairs of my parents home last June. I have done everything from reflexology, to regularly seeing a chiropractor, to acupuncture in an effort to get better. I have ex-rays twice and a MRI on my left ankle (diagnosis the same all three times - no break just severe sprain). Rodz regularly massages my ankle and foot for home therapy, still only slow progress. Well last week my slow progress took a drastic turn for the worse. Rodz accidently tore my pinkie toe nail during her treatment and it began to bleed. She decided she wanted to remove my toe nail and operated for a while with the toe nail clippers. After some pain, she gave up in trying to remove the nail. Just a few short days later my toe became infected and my whole foot and leg swelled up. My doctor was very concerned that I might be developing thrombosis and ordered bed rest and antibiotics. I had to stop wearing a shoe on my left foot because I couldn't get it on. So for the past week, I have wore one shoe and only my sock on my left foot. I have an appointment with a specialist tomorrow afternoon...fingers crossed...
         Rodz has been taking driving lessons 3 times a week. She has progressed in her 40 class schedule to the part where she is learning parking. I get the blow by blow recap of her lessons, I can only have empathy for her instructor...So Wednesday, Rodz talked me into letting her
drive my Infinity QX70 in the garage (yes no BMW - an Infinity is nice enough).
Rodz behind the wheel - May 2016

           It was a harrowing 2 minutes as we crept along in my parking garage. (lol)...She said I made her nervous, but she is so excited...One of our favorite things we do to pass the time is to pick out potential cars for her to drive once she gets her license. Never a dull moment...
          We just got notified at work that we have earned a big retail project. We will begin manufacturing August 1st. The customer is moving his manufacturing from Saudi Arabia to our plant in Dubai. I am very proud of our team, if all goes well it is worth millions in future business. We have also been awarded the contract to cut steaks for some big American chains in the Middle East. We actually begin cutting steaks this Saturday for them...I have been fortunate to be at the right place at the right time, and now will hopefully steer our company to big sales numbers. I will update you on our growth going forward.
           Rodz has finally begun cooking one dish a week for me. She has gotten fairly adapt at making egg fried rice. So now once a week we enjoy a heaping dish of her specialty (and only dish) at home. She is so happy when I clean my plate, it truly can be the little things in life that can make you happy. The first 7 months of our marriage certainly has had its rough moments, but we have stuck with it and hopefully more good days than bad will dominate our future together.
         Nurse Rodz has just shared with me time for my foot treatment, so I must go now or suffer the consequences that go with a surly bedside - I only have 9 healthy toes, so bye for now...Take care, enjoy your Memorial Day, and as always we appreciate your good thoughts and prayers...