Friday, July 23, 2010

Greetings from Dubai

Well hello all,

I have taken the challenge to create a blog. I am a novice at this, but there are interesting things occurring around me everyday and other than sharing them with Bob, I need an outlet. I also miss the USA already, but that being said so far Dubai is a spectacular place. It is incredibly clean, and it has a feel of safety (more to that on a future blog).

So many stories to share, but first I wanted to set this up. and give everyone a chance to subscribe. I will endeavor too add posts frequently, with stories and pictures.

So are you ready? Let's start the adventure....


  1. oooh an adventure.......
    Chritine says hi, harvey daoes too.

  2. I figured it out! I am now one of your many followers! Cant wait to hear more
