Friday, November 12, 2010

Sleepy Friday....

It's Friday (Muslim church day) in the UAE, and I took a big snooze today. I was up and about early, laid back down for a quick nap around 10 am, I awoke from my short nap at 4, who knows how I will sleep tonight.
I have been working loads of hours, I haven't felt that well, so my body just revolted. It's almost 9 pm here and I feel like I am ready to start the day!
I had dinner at Scoozi at the Dubai Mall. The mall has been packed lately, but I fought the crowd for one of my favorite UAE dinners, Shrimp pizza.
Next weeks 3 day EID celebration, has been moved to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. So, I am going to put in a few hours tomorrow, than work a normal Sunday, off for 3 days (ok, I am sure I will go in and work partial days) work on Thursday, then another weekend! I think the Muslims may be onto something during all of these holidays (of course when I am working on Thanksgiving and Christmas, I am sure I will remember why I don't like these holidays better).
Dominik is off visiting his girlfriend (the real one) in Vienna, Sandy is here visiting Bob, so I am truly batching it for a few days. Richard is settling in. The next few weeks will be difficult for him as he gets his paperwork in order and looks for a car and an apartment. I haven't had a lot of time to share with him. We went and got our photo's taken for our new official Emirates ID card this week. Had lunch afterwords, he is extremely lonely. I miss my friends and family, I can only imagine what its like to leave a wife and children behind. He seemed to be in a little better spirits later in the week after skyping with his wife Mary. I am going to pick him up in the morning take him to work for a few hours than maybe out for a buddy lunch. He is going to take a huge workload off of my shoulders, and he is such a quality man, that there is nothing but positives for me that he is here.
I have put the sales force (with Bob's blessing) on a commission plan. They are set to get there first checks at the end of this month, and one of them is going to get a check that is 6 or 7 times bigger than his old incentive checks. They have responded to this "American" style compensation well. Our first month on commissions we set a new record month of 4.5 million Durhams. This month we are headed towards 9 million. Let's keep our fingers crossed that we can keep up the torrid growth.
I am sure I'll check in sooner rather than later with all of the approaching days off, time to go watch the Survivor episode that I taped last night.
Bye for now,

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