Friday, April 22, 2011

Just can't seem to find any Easter eggs...

Easter in the Middle East, an interesting concept...Of course it is Friday morning here and I should be enjoying Easter service here, but I didn't get my lazy bones out of bed on time....
The local Du cable company added ESPN and ESPN America to their offerings. For 27 cents per day I now get the sports networks...I have been watching sports centers and baseball games like crazy. I am really excited about the NFL availability to me now. This will really help me with my America withdrawals....
Speaking of TV, it is really one of our few links to normalization...Nick (and sometimes Bob) watch American Idol with me, and Nick and I watch Survivor weekly. The show is about 18 hours behind when you see it in America, and we tape them to watch once a week. Well Mimi and Chelsea (Nick's wife and daughter) just can't seem to help themselves with giving Nick show spoilers. Alright Mimi and Chelsea, let me help you keep your old man happier....when you tell Nick that the person voted off Idol is not a surprise...that makes us know when the 3 are left standing - who probably goes, or when you say its a shocker - we know then that it's Pia when the last 3 are left standing....I know Chelsea is a little mad at me for bringing her daddy to the Middle East - but...I'm just saying...Actually we still enjoy our time, Nick just enjoys telling me stories about his family...
Nick is getting settled in, buying furniture piece meal from individuals...we have continued our dinner deal, Rodz and I buy Nick dinner one night, and then Nick fixes us dinner the next night, then the 3 of us watch American Idol. This weeks treat was pork bacon and Omelette's. Well Rodz did enjoy her not so much, first Nick absolutely destroyed my package of bacon. It was blacker than the ace of spades and my apartment was so smokey it made me nauseous. Rodz called the bacon "Kenyan" bacon...well Nick scrambled my entire carton of 18 eggs and made these humongous omelette's...I think Rodz enjoyed the whole mini fiasco....she has asked to have sloppy Joe's this, her new favorite. Rodz and I had a fun dinner out at Bini Hanah's last Sunday - (I know I am not spelling that right). It was her first Japanese steak house, and they put on a nice show and the dinner was good.
Bob is enjoying his trip to the good ole USA. I spoke with him on Wednesday and he said he was having a great time. He comes back on Monday night. His boss has scheduled a meeting with me to go over sales issues first thing Sunday morning...Happy Easter to you too. We are having major IT issues, hopefully Hani will help them get resolved. We should beat our old record month by a lot and have a record growth month in percentage also....
Have yourself a wonderful Easter, I hope you find the most eggs!

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