Friday, April 29, 2011

April comes to an end....

This is a difficult week to blog, in so many ways this was the most difficult week that I have had since I arrived last July. The heat of the approaching summer is emerging and it has zapped me of some of my will. Don't get depressed, it is not desperate, just an extremely tough week.
I guess we will start with the personal life, it was a lonely week in so many ways. Last weekend I did get to have a couple of nice dates with Rodz, she is so much a part of my everyday life here. On "Idol night" (Nick made his now very popular sloppy Joes again) she fell asleep with her head on my shoulder and slept for over an hour, of course I was in trouble for not waking her up to watch American Idol...go figure...We have not gone on a date since last Sunday, and tonight it will be just a ride home for her...we have to find more time for each other to make this work...

Bob returned from the states into a tempest. While he was gone, Hani (Bob's boss) had meetings with The head of contract accounts, Head of procurement, and the head of sales (that's me)...Well by the end of the week Cowboy and I had a lot of additional things to do and Kawa was no longer with the Company.
We will end up with a record growth in both percentage and gross sales, but not as much as the big boss would like. The pressure is there, hopefully we will continue to respond with record numbers, and the mood amongst Senior Management will improve.
Bob, Hani, Kelly and I joined a couple of our best customers for a charity dinner at Ruth's Chris this past Wednesday. It was a dinner to raise funds an bring awareness to the plight of the children of Ethiopia. It was absolutely delicious, and the only thing better than the food was the company. There was some irony in gorging yourself on food while trying to raise funds for starving children. We had great conversation, and it took a little of the edge off of the brutal week at work. I am so impressed with Kelly as an employee, but even more so as a person. She truly has become a close friend and definitely is a leader amongst her peers in every way.

Vineet (Vinny the Pooh) and Reem are finishing up their crash courses in training. they both will have their first weeks in territory this week. They have both been impressive in their training, let's hope that translates into good sales careers. I have a full plate of work for Saturday, and it is the last day of the month, so customer service will have a full day of entering orders...I think Sunday could be a record shipping day...oh well enough about work.

Nick is coming over tonight to have dinner with Bob and I. We are having Ribeye steaks, baked potato's and green beans (and yummy French bread). After our sure to be delicious dinner, we are going to watch the first two episodes of "Game of Thrones" the new HBO series - hopefully we will like it and give us something else to amuse ourselves with. Then I will be off to pick up Rodz from work at 9 pm.
I haven't spoken much with the parents or Fred lately, I did see on TV and the Internet the rough weather the states endured last week. I hate the heat, but I fear tornado's much worse. There doesn't seem to be much death defying weather here (sure the heat could kill you). The UAE is located on a major earthquake fault that extends from Iran.
 The political unrest in the region is actually benefiting the UAE. It is about the only safe place for the oil rich Arabs to safely vacation. The irony here is all of these oil barons are reaping the benefit of $100 dollar a barrel oil while filling their SUV gas tanks here on $1.80 gallon gasoline...
They say money can't buy happiness, I certainly hope the money that I am earning to pay my way out of debt and to replenish my retirement will make these years away from family, friends and the country I so desperately love worth it. We shall see. It's been a great 1st 10 months, but a lousy couple of weeks...Let's hope you have a safe relaxing weekend, and that your American friends here in Dubai have a great week at work and play.
Time to help Bob to prepare dinner....

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