Friday, September 16, 2011

The Dean's increase their income and their vocabulary

Fall is in the air here in the UAE. For the first time since early June, the high temperature on Tuesday was under 100 degrees at a cool 99. The forecast now for most day's is right around 100. I won't miss the 115 July/August regular highs, but it was a little cooler than the summer of 2010 when it reached 120 degrees several times...must be global cooling...I absolutely love the weather that arrives in early October and last into late December. highs in the upper 80's lows in the 60's and not a hint of rain. This year I plan on spending more time at one of the many beaches that are from 10 minutes to a half hour drive away.
Nick's wife Mimi has become gainfully employed. She actually got a decent paying job, and she and Nick now are on the path to improving their financial lot in life. She got a job working for an American (the details are in the foggy recess of my slowly decaying mind) Doctors office that does Invitro fertilization. Her first day is this Sunday and she actually is scheduled for 40 hour work weeks, which is only about 15 more hours a week than Nick Now Nick, Mimi and I dine together a couple of times a week (charity is obviously close to their hearts) and I get to enjoy their one upmanships with each other. Mimi makes fun of something Nick doesn't know- that she feels he should and Nick delicately points out flaws in Mimi's life that won't get him in too much trouble (wives have the power) This weeks funny was Mimi's new employment contract. She noted that she would be paid in arrears. The problems was I think she thought that was something a little perverse rather than the time of the payment...yes, you can't make these things up...this week Nick wins, one can only wait for next week's Dean families funnies.
Work continues to This week Kumail finally will start (Muzzy's cousin), really expecting good things from him, and I am meeting Monday morning with Julianne (new young lady from Germany-if she accepts her offer, I will share more) to make her an offer that finally got approved. We are on pace for another record month (ho-hum), it will be great if we can do it, but then disheartening when the over 100% growth this year verses last and record sales won't be enough. It has finally sunk in, when last month's whopping 137% growth, didn't bring celebration from above, that we just have to enjoy our successes and make the most of it. I promised the sales team that if we had a record month in September, Bob and I would take them out for an Indian Cuisine celebration...I think the team is more excited about seeing me choke down curry laden food than the great things they continue to accomplish.

Sandy (Bob's wife) is still trying to let her leg heal. Bob says he has new found appreciation for handicapped people as he tries to maneuver Sandy around the mall to prevent her from dying of shear boredom in their apartment. She is scheduled to have her cast removed next week (I think?) and then rehab a little before returning to Atlanta in early October.
Rodz still hasn't gotten a new job, and I have real fear she will pack it up and move home (I would say the Philippians but Mimi makes fun of me never spelling it right)...I feel a little helpless and am very frustrated, I am trying to be encouraging to her as a friend, but of course I don't want her to leave, because I know down inside that would close a chapter of my life that I am not ready to close, keep your fingers crossed.
"911" is an interesting anniversary to spend in the Middle East. I watched a lot of the TV coverage on Fox news, but the comments from co-workers tends to fascinate me. One of the managers from Transmed's retail division made a comment to me (late 20's very friendly Palestinian gal) that she saw "911" as an opportunity for me to see what the Palestinian people face every day, that every day was "a Palestinian 911" for what her "people" go through. There is an open hostility (I know I should have paid attention in English class-maybe I could have spelled then) towards Israel, the United States Government and "Jews" here in this peaceful part of the Mideast, the maps don't even have Israel on them, Egypt just borders Jordan....I have little hope for peace with what I hear and see from the people of the Mideast....
On that somber note, I will say goodbye for now, and I will try and stay out of trouble for another week....

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