Friday, September 9, 2011

Gone from America, but not forgotten....well, sorta..

This week it seemed like there was a lot of things to blog about, and as I sit here on Friday morning all sleepy headed, doesn't seem like there are a lot of things to blog about....Oh well, let's start with the American that bit the dust, poor Sandy Green. She was leaving the Dubai Mall with Mimi and Nick this week, slipped and fell. No don't worry, Nick dodged her falling body and came away unscathed. (Obviously Nick played more dodge ball than catch growing up) to make a long story short, she ended up going to the hospital in an Ambulance and now has a cast that runs up her leg to almost her hip. Her broken leg will keep her in Dubai an extra 3 weeks with Bob, you can always find a silver lining if you look hard enough. She does seem to be in excellent spirits, I know I would be wining on an on, when I visited her she didn't even complain.
Well this weeks attempt at a clever blog title....I call my mother almost every Friday evening without fail. She and dad are up and about (I normally call around 9 or 10 in the morning Virginia time) getting ready for the day, and I get to hear stories about the weather and my relatives and she hears that I am still alive....well last Friday's phone call....not the's the recap...
Mom;  "Hello"
Me;  "Good Morning, are you up and about this morning?"
Mom; "Yes, we are already dressed, getting ready to go shopping."
Me; "great, that sounds like fun"

Now the conversation turned

Mom; "Well let me let you talk to your Nan"

Just to understand, my grandmother died in 1999, I know no Nan...

Nan (In an elderly whisper); "Hello"
Me ; Hello?
Nan; "Who is this?"
Me; "This is John"
Nan; "You have a wrong number, this is the Bruck Residence"
Me; "I know, I am John can I speak to my mother again"
Nan; "John, oh Helen it's for you- it's your son..."
Mom: "John?, oh I thought you were Nan's son".....

I guess I have been gone too long.....

Well, updating you on the employees, Vinny returned from a three day weekend with his girlfriend in Switzerland - some how that seems a lot more exciting than my weekend trips to Hyper-Panda. Hicham returned from his month long leave in Morroco. Our newest sales rep (Kumail) will join us this week, the team is doing very well and are working well together, now the company, not quite as good. We are still struggling to get orders processed and delivered and our warehouse is strained by capacity issues, we have a lot of things to get fixed if we are going to keep growing at 100%.
Speaking of growing at 100%, for you "Nick story" fans, Nick is feelin the blues about his elevator adventure at a hotel. He got on a crowded elevator to go down the 8 floors to the lobby after his sales call. Well, the elevator started beeping and unfortunately, wouldn't continue down, because of being overweight. Nick said it was silent as he got off, and the doors closed behind him and continued on its way, leaving Nick to contemplate the Iftar dinners that he enjoyed during August.
Speaking of eating, I am really enjoying the new dining establishments that have opened up in the Dubai mall in the past month, Red Lobster has now become one of my favorite places. I also enjoy the new Texas Roadhouse. We are bringing in Idaho potato's for them from the United States and they have been sorely missed by me. I have been eating at least once a week at both of those places.
Rodz is still waiting on her new job offer, she is so homesick for the Philippians...I am trying to get her happy again...we will see....
The weather is starting to cool, the highs this week are only going to be 102 to 104 degrees down from the 115 degrees of August. We still have a streak going back to early June of days over 100, I expect the streak to end soon...
Enjoy your weekend, I will catch up with you next week....

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