Friday, January 20, 2012

Crash, Crash, Bang-Bang!

Mom and Mike have arrived, the apartment was ready for them - just no cable, Internet or house phone. They got in after dark, we settled in, had a great day shopping we are at Nick's for dinner (Hayley joined us) Spaghetti and American meat sauce....yummy.
One of our employees that I have not mentioned much is Magy. She is a  24 year old manager from Lebanon. She loves to drive very fast, and gets a kick out of making me nervous with her aggressive driving...well her BBM picture has changed today....there is now a picture of wrecked BMW convertible there...I trust she is fine, the car...not so fine....update soon.
On Wednesday night we went out to celebrate our record month for December...instead of just dinner - we decided to go bowling and buffeting. We had a great time, then had a contest. I was fortunate enough to be on Team India with Muzzy, Kumail and Vineet....we won! So now I have movie tickets as part of the winning booty! (In the championship contest I didn't break a 100 - Vinny the Pooh carried us to victory. Georges may have stole the show with his antics and very bad bowling prowess.
We are having a good sales month, once again rolling towards 100% growth, but probably won't have a record month. so probably no party in February. Steve is happy with our sales team. I would love to add a couple of sales reps. We are making an offer to a Syrian gal (Gina) on Monday, hopefully she will accept and start shortly. Its so busy with the approaching trade show (Mid Feb) and trying to get settled into my new place, so next week I will ask my older brother Mike to blog....Guest blog number 3 coming soon...sorry for the shortness - We are watching American Idol and I am late with the blog,,,,sorry....See you in a couple of weeks....

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