Friday, January 13, 2012

Mayor of Sandoval Gardens...

One week from today my mother and brother will be waking up to a new day in Dubai. I am looking forward to the visit and distraction. They are timing it just right for me to be settled in my apartment. This Monday, my new furniture is being delivered, and according to my property management people, new residents start moving in today. I was the first and only resident for a few days, and one gentlemen from South Africa moved in at New Years. So for the last two weeks it's just been the two of us. I elected myself mayor, and won in a In all seriousness, the grounds are done and beautiful, I really like my new if I can just get my cable and Internet hooked up.
I had to drive over to Nick's this morning to use the Internet (wouldn't want people to miss the blog) and in whats becoming a Friday morning tradition, I stopped at McDonalds for the "big Breakfast". Here in the UAE, they don't eat biscuits, so you get an English Muffin, a small jar of Strawberry preserves, scrambled eggs, and a beef sausage patty.(all for 14 Dirhams - $4) I don't know where they get the animal that is somewhat related to a cow to make the sausage, but it's McAwful. I have been meaning to blog about it for weeks. American fast food chains are plentiful here, some have gotten it right, some have not. McDonald's is in the middle of the pack. Skake Shack is by far the best fast food hamburger place, but also the most expensive. A double cheeseburger, fries and large soda is 52 dirhams ($14). It is still so good it's worth splurging on occasionally. the other good fast food places are Hardee's, Wendy's, Popeyes, and KFC. McDonalds is in between and the real losers are Subway and Burger King.
Speaking of food we are sailing towards another record month. January is the second slowest month for business and yet we are right on target for 11.4 million in sales. I give full credit to the Account Exec's and Muzzy. Steve is moving cautiously in making changes, but the good news for me is that he has shown no desire to make major changes in sales. He is allowing me to promote Kelly, she so deserves it. We are right now knee deep in preparing for the Gulf Food Show. So much of it was planned and executed by Bob last year, I really had washed my hands of it, now I am smack dab in the middle of it.
Hayley, Nick and I had dinner last night at the Holiday Inn Al Barsha's "Golden Buddah" Thai Restaurant. Hayley is still heartbroken over a breakup she had with a crazy boyfriend from the region. He stalked her for a little while, I have tried to shelter her from her fears....we had a great time, as Nick and Hayley enjoyed my bantering with our two servers (E E and Shylene). E E is from Miramar and has an Indian boyfriend and she is so fun to tease, while Shylene is a Filipina that we did our best to explain what a "sissy boy" was too her...I laughed so hard that I strained my vocal was nice to enjoy ourselves and get away from work for an evening.
Nick and I need to go grab some lunch and reserve the bowling ally for our record month celebration next week (for December).
Have a great weekend....

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