Friday, February 10, 2012

Nearing the half way Mark...

Well as February sails by quickly (even the extra day doesn't slow the month I am reminded by the calendar that my contract will be half over at the end of this month. I am left wondering how long will I be here. If I measure the positives, surrounded by good and loyal employees that I am very fond of, making a decent living, having a job where (at this time) I am highly appreciated, good friendly boss, and measure against the "not-as-positives", being away from America, friends, family and sports, there is a lot of pondering to do...Oh well, I am sure that we will revisit this topic in the coming months, the question is will we be reviewing it in the coming years...
I am "Nickless" for the next couple of weeks. He returned to the USA last night and will spend a week in Florida with Mimi and his children, followed by a week in Arizona at the CAB Conference. He needs a break from here, hopefully he will learn some things that will help him be successful in his new position, but more importantly he enjoys the time with his family. He needed a break, and I am hoping that he really enjoys it. February sales have started out ok, I am concerned that the huge Gulf Trade show will put a damper on our sales for the month. We are spending a lot of time and energy preparing for the show, It starts a week from tomorrow. One of the nicer things about these international shows is that I usually get to catch up with a few of my friends from the states. Sam Hodge will be here, along with David Chandler and I know there will be several others that will be nice to catch up with.
I have gotten a couple of notes from friends that are worried about my safety with the war drums beating here in the Mid-East. It is more and more apparent to me, that something will eventually happen with Iran. The UAE government has aligned themselves squarely with the West, as the leaders here oppose a "nuclear Iran." It is less than an hour by motorboat across the Arabian Sea to Iran, and up the coast of the UAE is the Straight of Hormuz that is the narrow passage that almost all of the Middle East oil leaves the region through. There has been construction of a pipeline through the UAE desert to bypass the Straight, but I can not imagine a scenario where the "Western Coalition" will allow Iran to block the Straight. On the other hand, its only a matter of time until Israel will take unilateral action to stop the development of nuclear weaponry in Iran. If this all happens, the UAE will be effected, how much???remains to be seen. Hopefully it's well into the future, and when it does blow up (as I think it will) it will be quick and decisive.
Oh well, I have been invited for lunch at the beach, and I need to pretty myself up, .lol...hope you have a great week...

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