Friday, February 17, 2012

Q-Tip Countdown....

Spring has definitely sprung here in the UAE, today's high is fore casted to hit 90 degrees, the sad part for me, spring will last about a month and a half, then it's the beginning of a 6 month summer...Fred is flying to Dubai in late March, and we should have highs in the mid 90's when he is here, definitely a great time of the year to try out Dubai's beautiful white sand beaches, one of the things that we didn't get to enjoy during Fred's visit last year.
One of the things that you contemplate when someone is coming to visit from the States, is what do you need that is not readily available here. I have to check my inventories of toothpaste (Crest Pro-Health), deodorant (Arm & Hammer) sugar free candy (Russel Stover) and paper-stemed cotton Q-Tips. I am well stocked in all of them with the exception of Toothpaste....(Fred - Are you listening?).
The Q-tips are interesting, Richard brought me a 500 pack last year when he came (it was a great surprise gift) and my mom brought a package last year. So my eyeball estimates of available Q-tips in my medicine cabinet right now is approx. 700. Interestingly enough, it's about the same amount as I have days left in my contract....hmmm, so will I need to restock next year, or will I be returning to a country where we have the freedom's to buy Cotton Q-Tips - God Bless Our Great Nation, where Q-tips can be bought in any grocery store or pharmacy!...the burning question of 2013 has now been defined...
I am feeling somewhat "blog Challenged" these days. (see above, but I can see the number of readers each month (252 last month) - now I know that a lot of these are the same person 4 times, but I do feel good that more than 50 of you a week read the blog, I apologize if it has gotten stale (my life over here feels a little stale right now) and I know some of you (Danny Messimer!) read regularly like driving by a car wreck...I know, everybody enjoys reading about my love life fumbles or crazy Arab stories...maybe they are all still happening, they just aren't remarkable to me any more since I am living the dream here...
The gi-normous Gulf Trade show begins this weekend. It is so big, it entirely fills the convention center here along with several "circus size big top tents" on adjoining grounds. We have a large booth that we have had to re plan in the last week - We expanded it's size due to the stand next to us dropping out of the show. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we can pull it off in grand fashion.

Sales are continuing to soar, we are heading towards are first 12 million sales month, and our street teams growth continues to be a bigger part of it. Last year we were behind plan in the 1st quarter and spent the entire year catching up, we beat plan in January, and if we can continue our pace the second half of this month we will exceed plan by over a million this month. Not bad...
My age may catch up with me this week...Five day's of trade show and four nights of dinners and my feet are hurting in advance of the days standing on the concrete floors of the convention center....ouch...I am truly looking forward to the momentary influx of visiting Americans...made a new friend yesterday. Joe Gunter from De-Bel Eggs did a training session at our sales meeting. He is a country boy from Louisiana, he just got his passport, and his visit to Dubai is has first time outside of America....I am going to enjoy interacting with him at our booth this week.
Well, it's time for the mayor of Sandoval Gardens (that's me for you novice readers) to put the swim trunks on and head to my beautiful pool. BTW, I really like my apartment and the complex, there are about a dozen neighbors for me now, with new ones coming almost daily now. This apartment feels much more like home than my first residence here.
Have a great day, and I pray that we are both able to be here for a few minutes next week.

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