Friday, May 4, 2012

Beefing things up in Dubai

Things are heating up here in the good ole UAE. The weather is one thing (109 degrees on Wednesday - and no its not "dry heat") the sabre rattling is another. Iran is picking a fight with my host country. There are three small islands between Iran and the UAE (along the straight of Hormuz in the Arabian Sea) and both countries claim ownership. America is selling new fighter jets to the UAE (the Monarchy is a close ally of America) and the 6 Gulf Coast Nations have formed a tough alliance (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman , Kuwait, and the UAE) and have agreed to act as one militarily
to deter Iran from aggressive action. The US Navy has a huge base in Bahrain and things are tense between the Governments. Throw in the high probability of Israel taking action against Iran's nuclear ambitions....well things are heating up. If something flares up, I will try and update the home front through this blog.
We are beefing up things at work also. Muzzy and I are finally going to order some Australian beef this week as Management has asked me to devote my attentions to beef, lamb and chicken. Karim has returned to the company after a year away to a regional sales management position as we attempt to replicate our food service success around the Middle East. One of my favorite managers from our much larger retail division (Anis - from Lebanon) is also joining our team as of July 1st. I may finally get to hire Juvy, as we are beefing up our customer service department to handle the growing business (Juvy is on the right - with Rodz on the left). She was approved for hiring last fall, but a visa issue kept us from adding her.

 The team just keeps on growing, we are adding another young Lebanese salesman fresh out of school and a couple of Retail route salesmen are transferring in to the department. We have added to our procurement team also, as our internal team now numbers 30. I was the number two guy in the Food Service Organization, but now Anis will be second to Steve and his planned successor. It is very apparent to me that I have a limited shelf life here. My contract is through December 31st, 2013...somehow, my inkling is that I will be like my other American friends that were here, and are now back in the states and not make it to my own expiry
It is just past 4 am here in Dubai, I am typing away late as I watch a Washington Nationals/Arizona Diamondback baseball game and I try and appease Muzzy. Every week he gripes because he says he can't read my blog til lunchtime on Friday. So this is for you Muzzy, a breakfast
BTW, Muzzy has a new nickname,,,,"Tonto" ...yes, it fits  him.
So it's time for the "Lone Ranger" to hit the hay....Hope your weekend will be as relaxing as mine.

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