Friday, May 11, 2012

Just over 105, My weight or the temperature?

I forgot how the heat just starts here in May, and now I am trying to remember when it starts to cool down (October seems so far away). Yesterday it was almost unbearable here in Dubai. We hit 109 again (hit that a couple of times this year now) yesterday, but this time the humidity was with it. It is draining, and what is truly scary, we aren't even close to the extremes of July and August when it will routinely be 10 degrees hotter....10 doesn't seem so perfect. I will be returning home to good ole America in early August, and I will be visiting St. Louis, where the temps can scorch you at 101 or even a couple of degrees higher for a couple hours in the afternoon, it can be extremely humid there also, making the heat index soar into the 115 degree range, the difference here is remarkable in as much as 115 is a routine non index high in the summer here in the Middle Eastern desert, and the heat indexes that are published don't measure high enough (the ones I have seen stop at 140 degrees, and the charts just don't go high enough). The other thing is the length of the heat during the day, it will be 100 by 10 am and not dip down below 100 until well after sunset at around 9 pm. Most nights during the peak of summer the overnight lows are in the low 90's....Thank God for Air conditioning and underground parking. I guess my body is being prepped for my retirement years in the desert of
I had my regular Doctor's visit yesterday, and those of you that are worried that my blog will disappear because of my untimely expiration will be relieved to know that I have lost 2 kg's so that I now weigh just over 105 KG's. (sounds so much better than 231 lbs),(for those of you who want to play the lb to kg game at home 1 kg = 2.2 lbs) Good news; my bad cholesterol (HDL/LDL?)lol is very low, bad news; so is my good cholesterol...they just try and make this confusing, my blood pressure is higher than it historically has been, but with the stress that makes up my daily life here, I would be shocked with other results....I need to exercise....enough on this, it is depressing.
We have a visitor from New York in town, yes Hayley's brother Jerry is here on an internship for a couple of short months...
We enjoyed dinner together at Urbano's in the Souk Al Bahar this week. Hayley is so happy to have him here, and I actually enjoyed interacting with him also. He will be spending a lot of his time in Abu Dhabi while he is here, but I know Hayley is enjoying the diversion, I of course enjoy any excuse to dine out with friends, we will have to go visit our Thai friends at the Royal Buddha this week and see my favorite server (of course I torment her) E E.
I know, too many pictures (I will now make a rule, no more than 2 photo's per blog).
My social life is progressing slowly, a weekly dinner date is all there is to report, but I really like her company....we will see what it evolves into.
Speaking of dinner companions, Juvy came in for 1 final interview for the customer service position, her interview went very well and I am confident we will make an offer for her to start with us this summer. I had dinner with her after her interview and she is really excited about getting an opportunity to start a new career. I am glad that I can help her out, while at the same time help our company, because Juvy is going to do great.
Reem and Tonto (formally known to the world as Muzzy) landed a big chicken contract with a huge caterer this week. It is worth millions and runs through December. Our sales plan will be easily made (add to the fact that Cheesecake Factory will be opening this fall and IHOP this summer-both under contract with us) should push us to close to over 180 million this year (in just over two years to go from the over 40 million Bob and I inherited to the 180 million we will finish this year with) think someone would be happy...
Time to get out and head to Subway for my Sesame egg and cheese sub...yes, it's all about the food,,,,have a great weekend, and Happy Mother's Day Mom, I will call shortly...

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