Friday, October 12, 2012

The Weather has broken, Thankfully I have not....

Finally, last weekend we had our first day since June that the high in Dubai stayed beneath the century mark Gratefully, it hasn't risen back that high since. This past week, highs were in the mid 90's each day. Over 100 days in a row of 100 degree plus heat can take its toll on you. How in the world people over here survived before iced drinks and air conditioning is a mystery to this oh so soft American. It is funny how every day in the mid 90's feels very comfortable, I guess it's just what you get used to.
Last weekend the existing sales team and I had some sales training in Dubai Industrial City. We then visited the construction site of our new plant and warehouse.
They (from left to right- Rima, Suresh, Bijith(the Professor), Sudheer, and Jitesh (the Banker) got to see the rapid progress being made. This week the concrete will be poured finishing a critical phase. I think it will be much easier to see the progress every week. Our engineer assures me that the new site will be open for business sometime in February of 2013.
The new Barakat International Plant will have a modern Butchery (cut shop) that will feature American products. It is right across the street from one of Barakat Quality Plus's 2 plants (the one that processes vegetable products)

It is about 20 minutes from my apartment in the desert on the Road towards Abu Dhabi. It will be great when the new plant is operational.
Kumail has been promised that his Visa will be cancelled this Sunday. He will begin to work immediately after Transmed completes this task. I can't wait!
Kelly is learning and training in Chicago. I miss having her in town. Hayley and I still manage lunch each week, but that just about covers it. Muzzy and I frequently have lunch together, but there is an edge to things as he is sent out to sell against me and my team regularly.
I finally started watching some of my taped television from the last 45 days. I am enjoying X-Factor (more than I thought I would), and Boardwalk Empire, True Blood, Survivor and Cougar Town (yes, a laugh out Loud show for me) are still waiting for me to watch. I got to watch my Cincinnati Reds choke last night, baseball is over. In football, I can't say that my Dallas Cowboy's choke (you have to be good to choke...sigh). They are on TV here this Sunday against Baltimore....will be a very tough game for them, thankfully it starts at 9 pm here not midnight, so when I go to bed disappointed I won't be tossing and turning at 4
I watched the Vice Presidential Debate this morning. Both guys are very likable, but I must say I was bored with it. Maybe politics at 5 am in the morning is not the best way to start your day. I have began to research the history of the Middle East as related to World War II and the years after. There is so much misinformation in the region about the Genesis of Israel, and the Palestinian conflicts that endures to today. I think as a Christian outsider, that the brutal history of the crusades and how that struggle between the Muslims and Christan's is at the roots of our histories. In the same vain, I think that the migration of the Jewish people out of post WWII Europe to be placed in the dessert displacing the Palestinians is also a history we should understand if there ever is going to be peace in the Region. Oh well, expect some of that history to be sprinkled amongst the future blogs.
I noticed some pumpkins in the vegetable market, and it made me think of life in the States. I guess Halloween is approaching...the fall air has to be crisp as the leaves show their colors. It is my favorite season, I miss America, I need to come for a visit soon...I think it has gotten much more difficult for me flying solo without any of my American colleagues to have my back....Bob, Nick, and Richard all made it much easier with our shared struggle. Juan and I speak regularly (he lives in Abu Dhabi) but I would be lying if I didn't tell you that I often feel very alone...
You are in my thoughts, please keep me in yours....

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