Friday, November 2, 2012

Great Adventure Blog, Election Edition!

I have been sick for a week now (the dreaded sand Lung) and I am finally coming out of it. Today mark's the 843rd day since I arrived in Dubai, and I think this is the fourth or fifth time I have gotten this bronchial infection thing. The first four times, I was sick and hacking for a week, then I headed to the Doctor, where he promptly prescribed Antibiotics and cough medicine. Well, you can teach an old (over 50 sigh) dog new tricks. I saved my companies insurance company a few bucks by going directly to the pharmacy and buying antibiotics. I have been taking them for five days now, and my infection is finally clearing up. It is weird how you can buy almost any kind of "prescription" drug with out a doctors prescription. You just go to your mall's pharmacy, share with your pharmacist what your ailments are, and they give you the drugs your ill body crave. If you want your insurance to cover it, you have to have a doctors prescription. More than once, I have run out of Nexium, and I spend $30 for a two week supply, while I wait for my doctors appointment. I am not sure this is a great system, it's just different. Now, I can get all the drugs I need to cure my acid reflux, control my high blood pressure (don't have just saying), or cure my walking pneumonia, but please don't ask for NyQuil...It has alcohol in it and is against the law to consume...the Government has my best interest at heart, I won't get trichinosis (disease that used to be common pre 1960's from eating undercooked pork) or become an alcoholic while I live in the UAE, but I can assure you, I will get sand lung again as the season turns and the sand blows in the wind...

Speaking of big Government regulating my life, I have made an attempt to vote in America's upcoming election (Nick, Mimi, Karen Watson and all my other liberal friends please skip to the next paragraph). Next Tuesday (Nov. 6th) is election day in the USA. As many of you know, I was a political Science major in college, and actually at one time in my life was a paid employee working for a Republican Lt. Governor Candidate, so I have always enjoyed bantering with those who had different political views than myself. One of the things that I really enjoy about living in the Middle East is learning about others views, and trying to understand what and why people believe what they believe. It is also fascinating to me to hear people's views of the USA here. Some people over here have amazing insite about American politics and then there are some that have a little less informed views (I am not basing this on whether they agree with my political point of view, but general understanding of American Governmental policies and history). Well, back to the election...

 I have voted in every Presidential Election since I turned 18 in 1980 and voted for Ronald Reagan over Jimmy Carter (feels like a similar choice to me in this election-hoping for similar results). My legal residence (and where I am registered to vote) is in Blount County in Maryville, Tennessee. I was lamenting to Fred that voting was such a hassle from over here, and that Tennessee wasn't a "swing state" and I guess I would miss voting in my first Presidential election. Well Tennessee has early voting, so when Fred cast his ballot in mid October he asked the election officials what I would need to do to get a ballot. Well, what Fred discovered was that I could email a request for an absentee ballot to the Registrar's office in Blount County. I emailed the request, and I got a prompt reply. I then had to fill out some forms, and have a witness verify that  indeed fill this request out (those keeping score at home, my good friend and Engineer Indian Ex-Pat Mahesh witnessed my signature (not sure who would come over here and question Mahesh if my ballot was and scanned the "request for a ballot" and emailed it back. The next day, I had several files emailed to me including my election ballot. I had to fill out all the forms and then mail it back to America. No emailing allowed....hmmm, another problem. It was now October 20th, and it typically takes 3 weeks for a letter to reach the US. By Tennessee law, my ballot has to be received by Election Day. Was I stymied again? Not so fast, as you recall I was flying to Paris for an International show on October 22nd, so I filled out my ballot and followed all of my "mailing instructions" and carried it with me to Paris, France. I then started searching for a trustworthy American to send my ballot back to the states. I met a gentleman named Dan Whisenhunt from California that is the President of an Almond exporting company looking to sell American nuts to the UAE. We met, exchanged pleasantries and I quickly detected that Dan was probably voting the same way I was (lol, he made a comment about wasting his vote in California). He happily volunteered to carry my ballot back and mail it from California. I got an email from my new friend Dan saying he mailed it from his Modesto office this past Monday (Oct. 26th). There is a web site that I can check and see if my ballot has been received. I just checked, so far it has not...but in the  end, I am very happy I got to participate, and thanks To Mahesh, Fred and especially Dan I have cast my ballot. I now have my fingers crossed that it arrives in time to get counted. For the record, President Obama is popular here, and almost everyone that talks about the election here feels like he will be easily reelected.
It was really tough watching Hurricane Sandy coverage from here (I know much worse riding it out over there). I haven't heard from Dan Scott (Lives in Pennsylvania near New Jersey). My parents received snow in South West Virginia, but seemed to get through it just fine. Hayley's family in New York City lost power (still didn't have it as of yesterday) but are so far ok. I spent a lot of time reading facebook entries from friends that live along the coast, and it appears everyone that I know made it through ok (Hopefully Dan and his family is just fine). Speaking of Hayley, she and I had a nice dinner at PFChangs on Wednesday evening. I think Egg Drop soup (along with the Thai Massage I had on Tuesday evening) helped heal my sick I got to check out her new look (with glasses) and I think they actually looked "Spec-tacular!"
She is really enjoying her new position at Transmed (working for Georges in National Accounts) and is doing great with her career. I am quite proud of her (I know - not her dad, but I did hire her!)
Speaking of spectacular friends, Kelly is taking me out tomorrow night for a late birthday dinner. She was in Chicago for two weeks of indoctrination and training at Ace and returned at the same time I left for Paris. I haven't seen her in almost a month and it will be great to catch up and end this turning 50 thing.
Time to go and fix my grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup lunch. My self healing continues, as I am almost qualified enough to dispense prescriptions....Have a great weekend, see you here next Friday!

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