Friday, February 15, 2013

Near East and India 101

Happy Valentines Day from the Middle East. It is not a big deal here, in fact Arabs barely recognize the holiday. It has always been a big day in the Bruck household as my parents were married on Valentines day in 1954. My brother Mike took my parents out for a nice dinner...Happy 59th folks! I think 60th Anniversary is Tin foil, so I will start looking for your gift now.
When Barakat approached me back in April of last year about joining them, one of the big carrots that was dangled at me was the brand new warehouse and butchery. It was scheduled to be open by September 2012. Yesterday the new date was revealed to be September 2013. It is typical of this country that deadlines for completion of projects get delayed. The Arabic term "Inshallah" roughly translated as in "Gods will it will be done."
The freezer walls are being erected and you can see a ton of progress. Hopefully it will open and ready for business before my parents 60th Anniversary.

No pictures of Camels this week. I will say that our friend Vineet (Vinny the Pooh) was quite amused by the pictures. He said it was the "best blog ever" - I of course realize that pictures are more entertaining then my ramblings....but thanks Vinny!
Last week we scanned the map of North Africa and the area west of the Middle East. This week we look east.
My company is dominated by Indians. Out of our 1,000 employees we probably have 800 Indian Ex pats. India is a very large and diverse country.  There are more than 25 regional languages, although most Indians that are here in the UAE speak English fairly well. My company is also dominated by people from South India (Kerala). It is the Coastal area in South west India. From the pictures I have seen it is beautiful. Approximately 80% of Indians are Hindu's, 13% are Muslims and less that 3 % are practicing Christians. I have learned a lot about Hindu's and their thousands of Gods. Very spiritual people that tend to look for the good in everything. Now back to the regional analysis.

India is a Democracy and a decent ally of America. They have a very tense relationship with Pakistan and the border between the two countries in heavily armed on both sides. It has been mentioned to me more than once of the disappointment of Indians that America is financially supportive of their adversary Pakistan. I am personally troubled when we aid countries that clearly dislike us, and often are enemies of our allies. Two of the most obvious examples are Egypt (the now ruling Muslim Brotherhood is determined to see the end of Israel) and Pakistan, the country that harbored Osama Bib Laden and in the latest Gallop Poll, 91% of Pakistanis do not like America. Do not kid yourself, money does not change our enemies hearts). Pakistan is one of the nuclear countries in the region and yes it's a scary place for Americans and our future in the Region. Pakistan borders Afghanistan and Iran to their west. Many of the insurgents fighting the Western alliance in Afghanistan, find refuge for training and support across the border in Pakistan.

Afghanistan is a fledgling democracy that is propped up by America, It is traditionally tribalized and the wealth of the nation comes from the land. Huge poppy fields (opium) dominate the farms and is their cash crop. The north is very rich in minerals. The tribal leaders still control both commerces, and the Taliban are the bad guys there. Please don't kid yourself, once we leave, the government will fail within a year. Sadly, I hope I am wrong, but do not look for Afghanistan to be a long term ally.
Please also understand, the people of Afghanistan like Americans, they just will be bulldozed by the chieftains and Taliban.

Iran is the next country in the region. It is ruled by the Ayatollahs although they do have a little crazy man (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) that has been their President since 2005. They are rapidly approaching becoming a nuclear power  which if it happens could easily trigger a nasty Middle East war. We had great relations with the Shah of Iran until his overthrow in the late 70's. Many of the people of Iran remember fondly the west and our old influences. There are many Iranian Expats in the UAE and are generally friendly with Americans. The bad news is the military and government of Iran is not our friends, and they are poised just 100 miles across the Gulf from where I write this. The government has invaded three UAE Islands in the Persian Gulf, and this country will surely be involved in any conflict with Iran.
The last country in this weeks "John's Region 101" is maybe one of the more promising. Iraq is surviving the withdrawal of western forces and there is a fighting chance for this democracy to survive. The politics of the nation are split between the Sunni's, Shia's and the Kurds. The Kurds are the people and would be our best allies there, but truly a stable government is all the we can wish for.

I had Strawberry Pop tarts for breakfast this morning, unfortunately I probably have purchased my last ones as the pork room at Spinney's has discontinued them (lard makes it non-Halal). I am tiring of Restaurants here. I finally burned out on Subway and have no desire to dine out anymore. My trip home in March will be exciting, especially because of Waffle House and Chick fil a. At least that is what I am craving....

Have a great week, see you next Friday.

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