Friday, March 15, 2013

998 Days, but Who's Counting

     Happy Friday from Dubai, the vacation "hot spot" on this side of the globe. I am trying to finish up my tour, and get out of town with a clean break. I am finding that it is a lot harder to leave here - than come here. The Visa is being cancelled, and the furniture has been sold (and money collected), and now to finish negotiating my way out of various contracts. I now feel like it is almost a business here to somehow get you to leave your deposits behind...33 months are completed, and in 11 days I get time off for good behavior and head home.

What I will miss most about Dubai, is not the resort weather (for 8 months of the year) or the 16 lane highways, or the mega malls, that are virtually small cities - Dubai Mall (88 restaurants, 2 barber shops, a full size grocery store, police station, numerous banks, money exchanges and stores - An indoor Aquarium, a "dancing water" show, a full size ice rink where they play professional hockey games), and that is just one of the many malls here. It won't be the aggressive driving, horns a blazing Arab drivers, or the timid Indian drivers (defensive driving is an art form). I will miss some quality people that I met in my three years here, that made me feel like I had become a special part of their life.

I negotiated an end to my apartment lease. I have to move out on March 23rd (next Saturday), in order to get my security deposit back. To get my deposit back from my DEWA (Water/Elect.) I have to give them two full business days after my final reading. Then I have to produce that final cleared/paid bill to my landlord to get my apartment deposit back. So my last three days here will be spent at a Holiday Inn. I fly out on Emirates air on a direct flight to Washington, DC early (2:20 am sigh) on March 27th. I will have been gone from America for 998 days, and yes I will have q-tips coming back with me lol....

You will find it hard to believe how expensive it is to mail a package from here. I had some papers that I wanted to mail back and save room in my suitcases. DHL quoted me $225 for a 12 pound box.
Ouch, I found out for $123 I can check a 3rd suitcase on my brainer. Nick left behind an old beat-up bag that I almost threw away...well it has one more flight in it...

I went to KM Trading (after shopping at two Luggage stores in Dubai Mall) and bought two very large Suitcases for $25 a piece. I am giving away a lot of clothes (don't make too many people my size over here) and have sold my furniture, appliances, and electronics.I made a deal with my good friend and former two time employee Joseph. I sold him a package deal, including my computer, TV, DVD player, Couch, chair, dining table, Refrig, Washer/dryer, bed and mattress. Well Joseph was telling Suresh about his purchase, and Suresh (on the right in below picture)

wanted to know who got my automatic dishwasher. Well Joseph came to me complaining that I had not included this in our "deal". After I enjoyed bantering with Jospeh, I explained that it came with the apartment, that I didn't own it. Now dish washers are like clothes dryers over here a true luxury. So, I thought, let's put one over on my good friend Suresh. So Joseph, Kumail and I conspired that when Suresh came over that evening, we would play with him a little (can never miss an opportunity to have a little fun) So when Suresh got to my flat, Joseph waited about 20 minutes, then asked me if "the dish washer was included in his deal". I of course (OK, I can be a little mean) said no, that it wasn't listed on his sheet, so that it was still for sale. Well Joseph pretended to be upset, and I turned to Suresh and asked if he wanted to buy it. Suresh said, well what do you want for it, and I said, well, I guess I would be happy with 100 Dirhams ($27), Suresh immediately got all wide eyed and said, "I will give you that for your dish washer", Kumail quickly joined in and said "John, I will give you 125" AED, Joseph said he would pay - So Suresh made a downtrodden bid of 200 dirhams, before I knuckled under and told my friend that it wasn't mine to sell...we all enjoyed a good laugh amongst good friends.

Well for those of you that are wondering about my hit and run accident, and my luck in collecting the $250 it cost me to have my car repaired....well not much progress. Abdul.... has not answered any of my emails, SMS Phone messages or phone calls. I did call him from a different number, he answered and then hung up when I identified myself. I have called Officer Ali several times, no response. I am saddened that I am being taken advantage of, so I will continue to annoy them both until I leave. It is not about the money now - its the pound of flesh!

I am very grateful to how gracious JR (CEO of Barakat) has been to me following my resignation. He has left the door open to return to the same or similar post in the future, and let me hold on to my company cell phone, Insurance, and gas card after he had stopped requiring me to come to the office. He is very well known in the market as a kind and generous man, and I do appreciate his kindness.

Speaking of kindness, I visited Transmed last week to say goodbye to a few souls. I wanted to give my hand carved chess set to Fathuma (worked for me as a Customer Service Rep at Transmed). Well I got hugs and handshakes from so many of my old friends. One misunderstanding was addressed, my old pal Elie Saber. You remember Elie, his family hosted me for a couple of Christmas parties. He was a little hurt that I had blogged (who knew that he read the blog) that I would not return to his house after the last Christmas party debacle (I went back and read my December 28th post - I know he has just taken my remark the wrong way, I implied (from my perspective) that I wouldn't be invited back - I love the Saber family, I would gladly spend time with them anywhere. Hopefully Elie reads this and realizes it is a matter of translation...I am sorry I misbehaved at his party, I count him as one of those treasures that I met here, and that I sadly will be leaving behind. I also sat with Hani (Transmed CEO) for a few minutes and he was kind and gracious - it is nice to know that I have left both companies I worked for over here on good terms.

One more blog to go from Dubai, rest assured my flight is coming rapidly now....See you here next Friday...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, thank you for your note....There are over a 100 people a week that read this blog, and I know about half of them....Couple of more blogs to go....Thank you for taking the time to read along and enjoy the adventure...
