Friday, March 29, 2013

The Adventure Ends...

The first thing I will have to admit is that I don't know where to start, funny we have arrived at the end - and I don't know quite where to begin...
Well, lets give it a try and see where we go...I guess first we will finish with some updates from my exit from Dubai...

One of the first things regular readers (my mom most of all) want to know is did I collect my money from the hit and run that I shared the details with you about (Feb 22nd - CSI Dubai) last month. The answer is no. This guy Abdulaziz Alkhuwaiter, of Al Ain, stopped taking my phone calls, stopped answering my texts, and ignored my emails. Officer Ali, the policeman that was called by Abdulaziz and pulled rank on the officers that were investigating the accident, kept promising to help me, but in the end - he too just ignored my calls....the clock ran out. Now the amount was low (about $220), it just really makes me angry to know that these guys just stalled knowing I was powerless, and also knowing that I would be leaving in late March. All I have left to say is....KARMA!!!! (I can

One of the other things that I learned when leaving, it is virtually impossible to collect your various deposits...The first one involved my apartment. They told me to get my deposit back, The apartment management would need proof of all my bills being paid (Basically DEWA - Elec & water) and a final inspection for damages. Once they had both of those things, they need 24 hours to ready a check for me. So Dewa, needs 48 hours from when they do the final reading to produce a final bill. so, doing the math, I booked a stay for my last 3 days at the Holiday Inn in Dubai, and after Josseph came on Saturday morning with his moving crew to collect his loot (also known as my belongings) the fun started...First DEWA didn't show up, (I had sent two emails requesting my final reading per their websites instructions) so I headed to the local office in person. I was warmly received by a nice local lady employee, and she said that they sometimes just don't respond to the email requests as they should. After she heard my winy story of how I needed the final meter readings done on that same day, remarkably she made it happen. Meanwhile, back at Sandoval Garden apartments, the inspector came, walked through the apartment, and said it looks great, no damages. My final meter reading came in on Monday, my normal full month bill is 150 Dirhams, well this last reading shortened month - you guessed it 450 Dirhams...sigh. When they told me Monday afternoon, they said they can have it rechecked, but another 48 hours would be needed...yes I said, no, I need the proof of paying final bill...I cleared it, and headed to the real estate management office with my final bill receipt. When I got there, they told me they would be deducting $200 from my deposit for apartment damages (needed painting and cleaning). I said that it was cleared and he said, well I could appeal, but they would need 48 hours to recheck...yes, I once again, said no...just deduct it.

My leased car....yes, more issues, and as of now I still haven't received my deposit ($650). They will wire whatever they decide I am owed after a final inspection of my car....My cell phone had a credit left on it, I would need to go to the head office and request a refund...nope, no, I
have decided that whittling down your deposits is almost an art form in Dubai....I wonder how much is lost each year on deposits....

It rained in Dubai on Monday and as I drove my leased car to turn it in, I almost wrecked it. Dubai decorates many of the streets intersections with marble or brick. Well, you can imagine how slick they get when it only rains 4 or 5 days a year. I lost control making a turn through one of those slick intersections and the car crossed three lanes and came within 3 feet of the center guard rail. Yes the damage could have been major, fortunately it was my lucky day. The cars around me avoided me, and I avoided the guard rail.

I had dinner at Texas Roadhouse, basically to say goodbye to Bhupali, Nikki, and the rest of my Darjeeling server buddies, and I was once again reminded by how bad of tippers the Arabs are (ok stereo typing isn't nice, but I call them as I see them). The bill at Bhupali's table was still there as I sat down. The three Arab gentlemen had paid their dinner bill of 537 Dirhams ($147)and left a tip of 3 Dirhams (81 cents). Now before you say that maybe they got bad service - I will share that Bhupali has won server of the month she is both cute and proficient.  I also can say, it is common for the Indian and Filipino servers to be stiffed by the diners because of their standing in Dubai. It is one of the sadder commentaries on life in the Middle East. I did get a warm goodbye from the servers, I will miss them.

I had some really touching goodbyes and well wishings from my former colleagues in the UAE. I am a sensitive old man, but I was genuinely choked up by several of them. Phone calls from many, like Hicham (Moroccan salesman that worked with me at Transmed), Mahesh (my engineer Side kick from Barakat) and maybe the most special, Suresh. Suresh had to return to India because his mother was having serious medical tests, and he needed to help make some serious decisions. He actually called me from India to appologize that he could not be there in person in Dubai to say goodbye.We both spoke with faltering voices. What a kind and wonderful gesture to call me when he was attending a family emergency. Suresh is such a kind and decent man, he inspires me to be more like him. God Bless him and his family....I can not keep my eyes dry as I recount how touched I was and am. I will miss Suresh.

My buddy Kumail was my chauffeur and companion for most of my last day. He had a brilliant suggestion when we had a couple hours to kill after Joseph, Kumail and I had one final meal at Texas Roadhouse, he said lets go see a movie, well what a great idea...So we went and saw Olympus has landed (Think Die Hard with a better actor than Bruce Willis)...well I loved it. It did have a interesting audience moment that I will share without ruining the movie for you - the basic premise of the movie is the white house is attacked by terrorists. In a scene in the movie where a TV news anchor is noting world reaction to the attack, he says "Great Britain, Germany, Canada (names a few more of our American Allies) send their condolences and pledge their support, while in the Middle East there is celebrations in the streets". Well that brought a reaction of laughter in the Middle Eastern movie theatre that I sat with Kumail in - it was an uncomfortable, yet sobering moment...Saying goodbye to Kumail and Joseph wasn't easy, I am going to miss those young men.

Kelly and her boyfriend Sami along with Reem treated me to my final Dubai dinner at the just opened Bennigans at Dubai Mall. I really enjoyed the dinner, and yes, more tough goodbyes, as Reem walked quickly away.
Kelly packed her car full of my bags (yes 4 plus a laptop) and we dropped Sami off and headed to the airport. Kelly dropped me off and I left my best friend in Dubai and headed in to the airport 5 hours before my flight had been a long and draining day. Then who comes to babysit me at the airport, my boy Vinny...Kelly had texted him - He is just a great guy. He sat with me until 1 in the morning so that I wouldn't be by myself. I was and am blessed with some really great people while I was in Dubai. I got there a little shy of three years ago, determined to make a difference in the lives of people that I could effect by my actions. Little did I know that so many terrific people shared their love, trust and friendship with me. The people that I interacted with in the UAE have I think changed me and hopefully made me a better person. I will be forever grateful.

One of the things better in the Middle East than the USA is their airlines. My favorite airline ever is now Emirates Air. Their planes are clean, comfortable and spacious. The stewardesses are polite and attractive. Their individual entertainment systems are remarkable (on my final 14 hour flight I watched Lincoln and SkyFall-James Bond). The food is good and plentiful. Drinks (even libations) are free in economy. Why can't we have airlines that compare.... I did a final tribute (with Kelly's preflight encouragement) to my Indian buddies...i ordered the Chicken Curry for my dinner on the plane. I ate it all (it was actually tasty with just a little kick). Now I will admit that it gave me encouragement for a couple of quick trots to the, I only wished that the middle aged (ok she was probably younger than me) Indian lady that sat next to me would have trotted to the bathroom...she did help keep me awake with her curry-licious gas bombs...Think spicy spoiled eggs...sigh... I didn't sleep on the plane and after getting my luggage (one of my $25 super sized suitcases - BTW weighed 48 lbs and I barely cleared the weight limit of 50 lbs.- was destroyed and it will be shot and put out of its misery after I get it unpacked) and clearing customs, I had a 6 hour drive to my parents home in the mountains of Southwest Virginia. I went to bed at 9pm and slept til after 9am the next day.

I know alot of you are curious as to what is next for me. I have accepted a great opportunity in Missouri and will be moving there on April 9th. The next chapter in my blessed life is about to be written, sadly the last chapter in my Great Adventure blog is being written. My email is and my Facebook account (John Bruck) is ready for you to join. I want to thank all of you for reading this (I am not a writer, and I can only imagine how painful this was to read sometimes) and keeping up with me. I met my financial goals in Dubai, I landed a nice job in my return and I loved (yes Rodz had me at hello), lived, learned and even gained a couple of pounds living large on the other side of the globe. I lived in a beautiful city with gleaming sky scrapers, whose economy is growing and so many people come there for hopes for a
better life. I lived as one of the privileged and was fortunate enough to enjoy the affections of the less privileged.
 I am blessed, Thanks again... and goodbye for now....

Shamsudine and I


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