Monday, July 1, 2013

Anniversary Week

I will have to admit that I have been chuckling a lot about the heat wave that is baking the southwestern areas of the United States right now. The temperatures have been in the 113 to 117 degree range in Arizona and Nevada the past few days. I keep my eyes on the weather in Dubai and although the high Saturday was 104 degrees, I imagine the long summer of heat in the UAE will have many days that top 117 (47) degrees. The heat in the Southwestern USA is also "dry" low humidity heat, while the Arabian Sea provides uncomfortable, scary hot heat.

This week marks 3 years since Bob and I flew to Dubai (July 4th, 2010), and it is amazing how the time I spent in Dubai has changed my life. I will never forget Bob's and my 4th of July trip. We landed in England in the middle of the night, and I still recall the look of amusement on the British security persons face when Bob asked her if the airport was relatively empty because the British were off of work celebrating the 4th of July holiday. I was embarrassed for about a nano second, but when I saw the amused look on the face of the security guard it became a memorable

My coworkers call me "Dubai" John in Springfield, and nary a day goes by that I don't tell a story about my time spent half way around the world. I often find myself in thought, wondering what is going on with Kelly, Kumail, Vineet, Mahesh, Suresh, Joseph, Juan or my other pals. I hear from many of my friends via social media, and it seems like the common theme is we will see you soon... I don't know why they think I will return to Dubai, I guess we will see.

The big movie release for this week in America is "The Lone Ranger". As you may recall, while I was working with Muzzy at Transmed, I often referred to Muzzy as "Tonto". My Indian sidekick and partner in crime had planned on going with me to the movie when it came out this summer, I hope that he takes Kumail to go and see it. Like the current top 40 tune sings, and I regularly reminded them "You're going to Miss Me when I'm Gone." Who knew that I would miss them so much also.

Ok, time for the happier update. I am getting along well with my new colleagues, and the atmosphere of "family" that the ownership has created at my company is really nice. I am putting a lot of pressure on myself to succeed, because the last thing I would want to do is fail and not reward the faith Todd and his boss have placed in me. I have a couple of restaurants that are opening up in September, and if it all goes smoothly I will be very pleased.

One of the things I promised myself when I moved to Springfield, was to try and have a monthly "road trip" and enjoy myself. It seems like the right thing to do after spending three tough years (on the personal side) overseas paying debts and saving for my return. My fun event in July is a weekend in Cincinnati with Fred. We have got tickets to Reds games on Saturday and Sunday in mid July. I have plans for August and September already and really feel good about keeping my pledge. Speaking of August, my parents are coming for a week long visit. Dad's health seems to have gotten a little better and mom will outlive me... I am sure that there is a story to come from that pending visit.

BTW, Shift leasing has left my bad list, and has joined my "Shifty/Shady list. My $400 car lease deposit refund finally arrived in my American Bank Account. A small victory, but a victory. If I ever do return to Dubai, my car damage Arab pal, will receive my pestering wrath....still gets my crawl.

Just like while I was in the UAE, I am enjoying the return of "True Blood". It was always delayed until the fall in Dubai, to avoid being shown during Ramadan. Ramadan is less than two weeks away, and it is a very tough month for Westerners working in the Middle East. Big Brother (the American Reality TV show) also amuses me, but that is a show like "Wipeout" that isn't shown in the UAE. I think "Wipeout" would be a big hit over in the UAE, watching Americans get abused is always a ratings winner in the Middle sorta lol.

I am watching the unrest in Egypt very closely. American's don't seem to know that there are even massive demonstrations there. Our government, has somehow aligned itself with President Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. The demonstrators are Moderate Muslims and Christian Egyptians that feel the Arab Spring of Democracy has been stolen from them. We have given weapons and public support to the Morsi regime...It seems like a horrible foreign policy worries Americans (with the aid of the US press) will hardly notice the coming crack down on the people of Egypt. It will soon dawn on the Morsi government that we will not stand with the citizens demanding Democracy (Ironically, we supported the overthrow of our ally Mubarik) and I feel fairly certain that the military will step in and end the demonstrations and snuff out the hopes of a free Egypt. (sorry, had to throw in some politics).

Well, hopefully I will see you here in Mid safe and enjoy your 4th of July celebrations.

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