Sunday, September 1, 2013

My Take on Syria and Egypt....

      We finally got some hot weather in Springfield. I have to admit that my body has grown accustomed to heat, because temperatures in the high 90's (36) didn't even bother me. I have the Dubai weather on my I-phone, so rest assured I haven't begun to forget the brutal heat of the UAE. I chat with Rodz almost daily, and the first thing she complains about is the heat...

Rodz August 2013
 I try not to laugh at her, but sometimes I have to admit a little chuckle comes out. She truly is one of a kind.

        Thinking about things not to chuckle about, would certainly bring us back to the Middle East. I am at a loss for the American Governments policies there. First with Egypt, we have an ally (Mubarak) who admittedly was not the best guy in the World, but he was a loyal "friend" -(bought and paid for with our tax dollars). We stand by, and even encourage the overthrow of his Government with the hopes that a Democracy will rise up in the ashes of his toppled government. When the people of Egypt elect the Muslim Brotherhood's Morsi, we immediately put pressure on the military of Egypt to end marshal law and allow the will of the Egyptian people to rule the day. Then the Morsi government takes a non democratic turn and start to purge the military and the government of non hard line Muslims. He seizes more power and suspends the Constitution to enable the Muslim Brotherhoods reforms. During all of this we stood by, and actually ramped up our financial support, even giving free Airplanes and Tanks to the Morsi regime. When the citizens' of Egypt began to protest in the streets we stepped in and provided tear gas to help the Morsi Government retain power. When that Government started burning Christian church's and arresting opposition forces (Pro Western types that would be friendly to the US) we did nothing. The Egyptian Military, with the support of the people stepped in and removed Morsi, we complained. We called it a Military Coup" and encouraged the Military to return the "freely elected" sigh, Morsi Government to power. Now the Egyptian Military has refused (while pledging to protect Christians and rebuild all the destroyed churches) our demands, we cut off their military aid. Now as I sit here, the Egyptian Military in now desperate need of cash (since we cut them off) and will turn to the country that desperately wants more influence in the region... The Russians. Write it down, the Russians will step in and provide cash, and in exchange will probably get a military base in Egypt or just a bought and paid for ally in the Egyptian Military. How could our American leaders not only stand by while this happens, actually help create the opportunity...Nice Arab Spring. Of course, our press stands idly by, and to most of you this will seem like I am crazy or will say, "why is this news to me?"

       As sad as the Egyptian saga play's out, trust me when I share with you that the Syrian one may end up being worse. I know some of you hate when I talk about Mid East politics, so I will make this one briefer. In summation, the Syrian Government is financially and militarily backed by The Iranian and Russian Governments. He is a bad guy, but his ally's are also our enemies. I guess we should do the no brainer and help the Sunni insurgents overthrow the Shia Government. Not so fast, the Sunni insurgents have turned to Al Qaeda militant fighters to wage this holy war. So when we bomb Syria (Obama administration going alone with out Congressional approval or authorization, and our closest ally Great Britain saying they will not go along with this foolish move) we will in effect be helping Al Qaeda. How in the world could we possibly fight on the side of Al Qaeda who only hate America more than the Syrian Government? Our two biggest enemies in the world are killing each other, and do we really want to stick our American military into this mess? Our ally's in the middle East have requested that we don't attack (Saudi and the UAE).  The Syrian Government will really only have one easy way of retaliating....attack Israel. I hope the US Administration realizes that World War III could start this way...I hope I am wrong and The Administration finds a way to back down...I would bet we will launch missiles before the Holiday weekend is over, sending gas prices to the moon and endangering Americans living and working in the Middle East.

       Now on to happier news, I have finally gotten a new Doctor here in Springfield.  After extensive blood work and taking a look at my generally not so fit body, I have been scheduled for the dreaded double trouble visit to the hospital. On September 11th (suitable date for my visit), I am getting tubed from both ends. I am having an upper GI, and a colonoscopy. I will remind the Doctor before he (or she) puts me under, that if they use the same scope that the Upper GI should be first...sorta lol. I have decided to also buy a bike to try and get into better shape, it hit home on a recent Skype when Rodz said "John, you have returned to America and gotten fat"...I know you can't wait for the 15th to see how quickly I have recovered...

      Speaking of the 15th, my adventure for the month is well planned (no, the colonoscopy does not count as an adventure). Fred is flying into Springfield on Friday afternoon. We are driving to St. Louis that night. On Saturday, we will be attending the Cardinals - Mariners baseball game. After the game, we are driving to Kansas City (3 hours), and on Sunday we are attending the Kansas City Chiefs American Football home opener against my lifetime favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. Fred has always hated the Cowboys, so somehow I have to get him to not root against my team. Then Monday Fred fly's back out of Springfield. Should be a great guys weekend.

     Well all the politics have made this blog a boring and long one, sorry - but rest assured I will try and find something to blog about before you return here in the middle of the month. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend and God bless you...

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