Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October, My Favorite month of the Year

        Any of you that know me very well, know that I am a huge Cincinnati Reds baseball fan. The Reds managed to underperform just enough to barely make the playoffs. I have a feeling that they won't go deep in the playoffs, tonight they begin. The good news is that I can watch the game at 7 pm my time verses last year where I would have had the game on at 4 am....Sports for the most part, no longer causes me to have sleeping disorders...lol.

        I have spent a lot of time the last couple of weeks thinking about Kumail, Vinny, and Joseph. I really grew to love these three guys, and they all followed me to Barakat. Now just 6 short months since I left, they have all three quit. I discussed leaving with them and they all 3 blessed my coming back to America, but it has dawned on me that they looked at me as an opportunity, and I hope that they don't think that I let them down. I am not sure what any of them are making now, I can only hope that if they felt betrayed or let down they have forgiven me...

        I am so happy to be reintroduced to my favorite season in America, Autumn. The cool dry nights, followed by mid 70's clear skies with very little rain. It was also my favorite time of the year in Dubai, with seasonal business picking up after the long brutal summer. For those Middle Eastern readers, we are having a budget stalemate in America, and our government has furloughed many workers during a partial shutdown. Sadly, one of the departments that has closed is immigration (Visa processing) and they were already two months behind their normal schedule. I haven't shared that tidbit of news with Rodz yet...Well, maybe I just have...

       You could see from the last blog that Fred and I shared a big sports weekend for my September adventure. Well, October is upon us, and Fred gets to enjoy my company for this months entertainment. I have to make a trip to Atlanta on October 12th (Hello Danno Holiday Inn!) and on the way back, I am spending the day at a fall festival in Knoxville. Fred has got us tickets to the Rascal Flats Concert on Sunday. Fred's son Ethan, is concerned about our bro-time together, but as we get older, I think we just laugh at those kind of innuendo's. So hopefully pictures of our RocktOberfest will be forthcoming.

     On the business front, I am having some success at the new job. I have just opened a new chain for my Company, and things seem to chug along. I have felt a loss to my importance to the company compared to my time in Dubai, as no one reports directly to me now, and I don't make critical decisions like I did the last 3 years. It's not that I am not appreciated, its more of a sense of worth that I am going through. My pay is fair, and I work about 2/3rds of the hours that I did overseas, but I will say I miss a little of the responsibility that came with my old positions. We will see what the future holds....

I have to get going, but I still appreciate the average 125 readers that read each posting. I am feeling a little more boring each month, but maybe I can stir up some fun stories to share with you. Enjoy your beautiful October weather here in the states or there in my old stomping grounds of Dubai...I will see you around the 15th with Rascal Flats stories....

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