Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Better Late than never? Maybe....

Sorry that I am late with this, but it has been a whirlwind few days, and the hotel I stayed at in Kansas City had the ole $19.99 24 hour Internet fee...well, it didn't quite seem prudent. I guess this would be a good time to start with the boy's weekend. Fred flew into Springfield on Friday, and we scurried off to St. Louis to see the Cardinals play.

We had great seats, and the Weather was perfect. I love the classic feel of so many of the new baseball parks. In the 70's, all of the new parks were "Modern" cookie cutters (Riverfront stadium, Three Rivers, Busch...). The new parks in Cincinnati, Atlanta and as you can see in St. Louis have a much more nostalgic feel to them. We had a good time and left before the last out (of Course) to head to Kansas City. Four hours later, we arrived after midnight to catch some sleep before we went to the big Dallas Cowboys/Kansas City football game. We thought we had great seats in St. Louis for the Cardinal's baseball game, well we had awesome seats for the football game.
Dallas/Kansas City Football game Sept. 15, 2013

We had a great time (Even though the Cowboys lost...) It's always good to spend time with your best buddy.

Fred and I

Speaking of Fred, when Rodz and I Skyped on Saturday, Fred and her picked up on their usual banter (Fred was in Dubai and joined Rodz and I on our first date). She asked Fred why he had "Chinese eyes"...lol, I loved it...Rodz has applied for a Visa to immigrate here. We should know if the US Government allows it in early December...keep your fingers crossed.
 I have a couple of updates on people that you may know, or may know through the blog. Bob Green is still working for SYSCO in Atlanta. He and I have a running golf bet (he's winning) and keep in regular contact. Richard Ashlock (Cowboy) is working for JT Parker in Atlanta. He is specializing in export sells. Nick is still working for SYSCO in Florida, but I think he and Mimi are homesick for the Midwest. Hopefully someday we will be neighbors again. Juan is still working for Transmed (he and his lovely wife had a beautiful baby in Abu Dhabi) and he seems to be greatly valued. Steve is still running foodservice at Transmed. Vineet has turned his resignation in at Barakat as has Joseph. I will update both when they start their new jobs. So now just a short 13 months after I started at Barakat, all that I hired have left. JR and I left each other on good terms, but I am disappointed that my time and impact at Barakat has to have been minimalized. Kumail is working in Dubai at a competitor to Transmed. Kelly is still working for ACE Hardware, and just left Orlando where she was for a show.
The Middle East is not very stable right now (see last months blog), but hopefully better days are ahead. So many people in the UAE depend on a safe environment to lead their lives. I do miss the people that I was so blessed to get to know, but it is good to be home...
Sorry for the blogs brevity, but I have to head to Little Rock on business...See you in two short weeks...

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