Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas is I think of Christmas's past...

This Christmas I will be visiting my Uncle Bob and his family for the annual family Christmas party. This has become a traditional Christmas Eve party that I have been a part of for about the last dozen years. The exception was the last 3 years, while I was in the UAE. It has become a nice tradition that I am so blessed in getting to share. We do the ole Christmas gift grab bag (you know everyone brings a gift, some are nice some are gag gifts, we take turns drawing presents and stealing others presents until the last present is unwrapped) that I look forward to. I always hope I get something good to eat or lottery tickets...Well Christmas 2012, I shared this party with my coworkers at Barakat. You must realize how different it was for RK and his staff. The employees were about 75 percent Hindu, there was 3 or 4 Christians and an equal number of Muslims. They didn't quite get the subtlety and good natured-ness of the gag gift or of stealing their neighbors present, but deep down they understood the spirit of Christmas, because I realize they did it for me. What a wonderful gesture for my Hindu coworkers to share with me...I will never forget it.

Thinking about memories that I will take to my last days, was the kindness that Elie Saber and his family shared with me. Every Christmas this kind Lebanese family invited me into their home in Dubai, and allowed me to share that warmth of the season with their entire family. They had a gift under their beautiful Christmas tree, and they shared their family Christmas dinner with me. If you have ever spent the Christmas holidays away from your family and friends by yourself - you can understand the wonderful present they gave me each and every year. Elie is the Credit Manager at Transmed, and you can only imagine the scraps the two of us would have - me pushing to sell more, Elie trying to limit the companies liabilities. In the end, he was and always will be a friend, that I will be forever grateful to know. His family had invited me to travel to Lebanon to their home in their mother country, I really regret that I never got to visit.

Speaking of Christmas regrets, I was really looking forward to Rodz spending Christmas here with me this year. Unfortunately, there is no change in her immigration status. Her file is still with the American Embassy in Manila, waiting for them to schedule her interview. I can see the stress in her eyes when we Skype, I can only hope that her interview is scheduled before Christmas, that would be the best present that I could ask for.

Springfield usually has about 19 inches of snow each winter. It has been a snowy December this year. We have already received 13 inches this year, with another storm forecasted for next weekend.
December 2103 Springfield, MO
I thought I might have trouble remembering how to drive in the snow and ice, but so far I navigate through the snow and ice better than riding a bike on dry pavement(lol-see last blog). I have managed to make it through the snow each day to work, and more importantly to the Waffle House each Saturday morning. It has also been brutally cold with every night in December so far being below freezing with a couple under zero.
Today, the blog will hit another milestone. It will have had 12,000 visits. I trust it is not too boring to all of you, I sincerely appreciate those of you that check in a couple of times a month to see what mischief I may be up to.
Well 10 short days until Christmas, I hope that each and everyone of my friends that read this remembers this season what Christmas is all about. Be thankful for what you have and remember it is more about giving (can be love or kindness - not just presents) than what you receive. Trust me, if you give with a good heart, the blessings you receive will be bountiful. I will kick off the New Year with a new blog, for now I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and even a happier New Year. God Bless!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

It's Just Like Riding a Bike...Now Stopping and Getting off, That's Another Story...

I hope you all are enjoying your Thanksgiving weekend, I know that for my friends in Dubai, it's just another weekend, but here in America it is our second biggest "family" holiday. I spent my Thanksgiving in Austin, Texas enjoying a holiday feast with my mothers youngest brother and his family.

Dave, Dalma, Mike, Chelsee, Marinna, Dylan, BJ, Tiffany and Shannon
My quick photo op almost cost me a chance at the rolls as they went by. As you can see my brother Mike (he now lives about an hour away from my Uncle Dave's home) joined us. He transferred within the National Park Service and works at the LBJ Ranch in Texas. Being the history buff that I am, I will have to make a trip to check out the Ranch sometime next year.

My Uncle is now in the oil "fracking" business. His family all work for his company and they are doing quite well. His house is beautiful and grand, I especially liked the "infinity" Jacuzzi and the pool at the bottom of a waterfall. Did I mention visiting Texas sometime next year?

My purchase of a bike earlier this month had gone for nothing so far. I have gotten so out of shape that I needed to take some action while I could still tie my shoes without assistance and an oxygen tank. The plan was good, but so far the execution was not so good. It has been bad weather, too dark or just no time since I spent the bucks to improve my health. Well today was the day that would change that. I am off of work this weekend, it's in the upper 50's and the sun was shining brightly. I strapped my helmet on, and wheeled my bike out of the garage and into the street. It was a challenge to get started, but once I figured out how to get up and going, piece of cake. I rode with ease through the neighborhood, into the next subdivision over. I kept my eyes peeled for cars and made the 15 minute trek successfully to start my exercising regiment. As I approached my garage on the return, I began to think now how do I get off. Well, to make a long painful story shorter, I wiped out in my driveway. The next door neighbor's 10 year old rushed over to ask me if I was ok. Of course I said I was fine, but the truth was I was/am in pain. My elbow and knee bloodied and my confidence shattered. I struggled to get up, the embarrassment outdoing the pain - It had been almost 35 years since my last cycling foray, but I am vowing now, to get back on that bike tomorrow! I will let you know next blog how I did (if I live to share my story).

I guess this is the part of the blog where I give you a Rodz update. This part of my writing is designed to keep my mother's weekly interrogation under control and focused. LOL (just teasing mom) The State Department finally received the Visa file from the US Immigration Department. They will send the file to the Philippines to the American Embassy in Manila. The Embassy will then call Rodz to schedule an interview and fingerprinting. Within 48 hours of the interview, she will either receive her approved Visa, or she will hear the disappointing news of rejection. If her Visa is declined, she can appeal. If she is approved, she is free to travel to the US virtually immediately. Rodz is nervous, because the rejection rate in the Philippines is so high (almost 50% are declined). Keep your fingers crossed, hopefully we will have an interview scheduled or completed by the next blog on the 15th of December.

Work is going well, I have just signed a new chain to an agreement. I have a couple of other major projects that look favorable, and working for Todd is the best. I like to think I am a good Manager, but I continue to learn from Todd. I did get to chat with Kelly this week. She is still happily dating Sami, I am awaiting my wedding invite...Other than skyping with Rodz, I haven't heard from many of my UAE friends and ex colleagues. I do hear quite often from my old Barakat produce sales team. What a great group of guys they are. I regret not working more on improving their lives, while I was over seas.

I hate cutting this short, but my knee is dripping blood, and my elbow needs heat therapy.....So I hope some of you thought of me while thinking of your blessings over Thanksgiving, I know that I am proudest and most "thankful" for the remarkable friends and relationships that I have been blessed with.
See you in a couple of weeks and God Bless!