Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Who Was that Old Guy?

I had forgotten how brutal winter can be in the heartland of America. We have already exceeded the annual average snowfall in Springfield, with two full months of winter left. We have also endured a direct hit from  the "polar vortex" the first weekend in January. Two nights in a row the temperature reached bitter lows of Minus 11 (& minus 13). Wind chills approached minus 40 degrees, it was bone-chilling cold! Well on Saturday (Jan. 4th) the forecast called for a winter snow storm to hit around midnight, and several inches of snow were forecasted. I did what most people do in America when a snowstorm approaches, went to the grocery store to buy bread so I could hunker down and not leave my home on Sunday. The weather man got it right, in Springfield we got 7 inches of snow overnight with brutal wind and cold and the high on Sunday was minus 3 degrees. I enjoyed my Sunday morning watching the news shows while lounging in my pajama's. The snow stopped around noon and I heard noises coming from the front of my garage. I peeked out of my blinds and saw a heavily bundled man shoveling my driveway. He looks to be in his mid fifties and overweight (stocky).
Now, I am truly perplexed. Who is this old man braving the elements to clear my driveway? I stayed hidden behind my blinds as he worked away to clear the heavy snow. Is he going to come to my door and ask for money? Was he at the wrong address and mistakenly clearing the wrong driveway?
Next thing I know, he is salting my cleared driveway. Next thing you know, he is climbing into his truck and drives away. Wow, I now have a mystery to solve. I Facebook chatted with my coworker Jenn. Shy can't figure it out. Monday morning, I open my garage door to be greeted by my clean driveway. None of my neighbors driveways are clear - nor is the street.
I have the biggest smile on face thanks to this heavy old man that cleared my driveway by mistake (had to be the only explanation). Would he come back to my neighborhood on Monday, clean off the correct driveway, and try to extort me  for money. I was spinning with scenarios. When I arrived at work Jenn greets me with "did you figure out who cleared your driveway?" This brought a bunch of questions from Heather, Kristen and Mark (colleagues) where we all speculated who this heavy old man could be. Mark tells a story about when the county contractor accidently paved his driveway, and then charged him "at cost" or they would tear the pavement up. If this guy comes to my home and demands payment for his mistake, and I refuse - would he shovel the snow from the side of my driveway back into my driveway? Would I pay his extortion? LOL, clearly I was now wanting to protect my free driveway cleaning. Todd (my boss) comes into the conversation, and I tell the whole story about this overweight old man shoveling my driveway, and how I couldn't figure out who it was. Todd says "wow, how lucky for you - lots of snow and dangerously cold"...he continues, "did you offer him a chance to warm up in your garage?" Did you take him a mug of hot chocolate, did you go outside and thank this kind stranger?" I immediately turned it around on Todd and asked if he was me, would he really go outside and take the man a hot beverage? Todd admitted he probably wouldn't...

The topic ended, we all got busy. On Wednesday Todd calls me into his office and shuts the door. I of course, think "what have I done to get into trouble?" Todd chuckles at me and says "he has been wanting to share a story with me." He slips on a ski mask and black gloves and says "do you recognize me?" Yes, you are right, the heavy old man that shoveled and salted my driveway in brutal winter weather was none other than Todd. I not only didn't recognize him, I came to work and told all my coworkers about this mystery old chubby man. (Todd is younger than me and in better shape...sigh). Todd couldn't stop laughing...the story quickly got around and everybody shared a good laugh at my expense...My friend and boss knew that I didn't have a snow shovel and performed one of the kindest, generous gestures, and doesn't even stop to let me know it was him...A funny and completely true story.

Speaking of long and never ending stories, the Rodz immigration story is dragging. She called the Dubai Consulate on Jan. 2nd. They told her that they would request her case to be transferred from the Philippines, and if they allowed it she could interview there. She called back last week, and they basically told Rodz, "don't call us, we will call you."  Sigh...more waiting.

My favorite Canadian (Kelly Weber) gal has gotten engaged to Sami (the Jordanian IT fiancée). She is in Miami as we speak, but we have a phone date next week - I couldn't be happier for one of my favorite people of all time...Speaking of favorite Dubai pals, Hayley and I finally chatted for about 15 minutes...her boyfriend (South African?) and Hayley have called it quits, so once again, I am a friend.

I had a weird coincidence happen to me in the past week. I was summoned for both Federal and county jury duty in February. What are the odds that I get both demands within 5 days of each other. Yes, it will be something to blog about....

Work is very busy, my new restaurant chain that is opening soon is struggling to pass all the city inspections - now they anticipate a February first opening...keep your fingers crossed. I hope to give you positive updates about Rodz, My new account, and the heavy old tooth fairy that I work for when I return with more musing's on Feb 1st. Stay warm, get a friend to shovel your driveway - and enjoy life for all the good things and good people you share this tiny world with.

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