Sunday, June 1, 2014

Goodbye Missouri, Hello Florida!

        Sometimes in life you must make bold choices in the hopes of brightening your future. If things go according to your plan, the decision looks easy and wise in retrospect.  If your move turns out to be a false step in your life, hopefully you learn from that mistake and avoid repeating it. Often that hardest risk/reward decision is a once in a lifetime kind of opportunity. Well, I have mad that decision, and hopefully I will be blessed as a result.

        In my new career, it made sense (at least to me) that I relocate to Florida. If you have to move to an area, why not move close to your best friend. I flew down last week and Fred was there to help me look for a new place to live. We found a beautiful new town house overlooking the water in the Lake Worth/Lantana (West Palm Beach) area. It has everything I was looking for (pictures next blog) and happens to be 5 minutes from Fred and Debbie's new home in Lake Worth. Life is good. This past week and the coming week are all about saying goodbye to my colleagues and customers in Missouri and arranging my 1200 mile move.

        I really hate that I am leaving Springfield almost exactly 14 months from my relocation here from Dubai. I will say that it has probably been my favorite city that I have lived in. Deciding to quit my current job and leave the warm comfortable working conditions that Todd has provided was a very tough decision and I probably would not have made it, without the support and blessing of Todd. He has been a true and loyal friend.

    I have spent the past week making the tour around the region introducing my customers to their new rep and saying good bye and thanking them for the opportunity. It has been tough, I never like goodbyes. Some of my Springfield coworkers are planning on some goodbye parties/dinners/lunches this week. My moving truck leaves for Florida this Friday. Rodz is excited about the move to Florida, one look online at the Palm trees and the no frost winter made this exciting news for her. I am in the middle of packing, so new details about my career and upcoming trip to Dubai, will have to wait a couple of weeks....Hang in there with me!



  1. How does Fred's wife feel about this move???

    1. Well Sam, She is not as happy as she should
