Sunday, June 15, 2014

I am Violated in Florida...

         Where to start this week...New job? Move to Florida? Rodz's upcoming June 30 interview? My upcoming trip to the UAE? or The story involving the Palm Beach Sheriff's Department, and the deputy that just left my new pad...

        I moved into my new 3 bedroom townhouse last Sunday. It is brand new almost 2,000 sq. feet of happiness. I love it! It is in the West Palm Beach area (2 miles from the Atlantic Ocean)  4 miles from Fred and Debbie's new home. It is a waterfront property overlooking a nice lake. Very peaceful. My mom flew down from Virginia to help me unpack. We made a lot of progress this week. By the way, a very weird thing happened this week with my mother. As she and I were dining Thursday and talking about my old Lebanon, Virginia friends. I asked her about Billy Rhea. Billy is about 5 years older than me and used to give me odd jobs to do in the summer while I was in high school (cut grass/paint barn) I think just to help me with money. I have not talked to mom about Billy, or heard anything about him for probably over 20 years. When mom got back home to Lebanon this evening, she called me and said that in the paper she saw that Billy Rhea had passed away this past week and was buried on Thursday, the day I asked about him....eerie to say the least...

       Some of you already know that I have begun an export company, that is selling various food service products to the UAE. It has started slowly, but that being said already have two container loads of food on the way to Dubai. I planned on going to Dubai on June 30th to accompany Rodz to her interview with Homeland Security and make some sales calls to help my fledgling business. So today I was looking for my passport so that I could book a flight (it was going to be a surprise for Rodz). I looked through all of my desk stuff and could not find my passport. So, I thought I would look later, and I headed to the furniture store to buy some new furniture for my new abode. I priced out what I wanted, thought I would check my bank account to see exactly what I had available to spend, and was unpleasantly alerted to a mysterious $600 check/withdrawal. It was a forged check that was apparently stolen from my desk by my professional un-packers (check was cashed in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida). I then realized where my passport was (packed in same box)...I called the police, they made a report, but I have to go to the bank Monday morning to close my account and report the forgery. I also have to notify the US Government of my stolen passport (believe it or not my movers were Russians) and see how fast and how much they will charge to get me a new passport. I feel violated....

         I was rereading some of my old posts that I had written while I was in Dubai, and discovered that I used to write a pretty good blog....Sorry that I am not as interesting as I used to be. I could write about what a joke our current governments foreign policy is, but I think you would have to live under a bridge with no TV or internet not to already realize that. I could tell you cute Rodz stories, but half of what makes them enjoyable is listening to my imitation of

          You are probably reading this on Father's Day, if you are Happy Fathers Day! My dad is still going strong at 84 and I can't wait for he and mom to come visit Rodz and I this Thanksgiving...Hopefully, I will have a successful Rodz interview story to pass along on July 1st. See you here, then! RIP- Billy Rhea 1957 - 2014. Sorry I never thanked you properly for the kindness you showed me in my youth....

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