Saturday, March 19, 2016

American Idol Spoiler Alert....Huh?

        It's less than 2 weeks before I return to America, and yes I am excited! The travel plans are almost complete, land in Washington, DC on Friday, April 1st after my 14 hour flight on Emirates Airline. Then some business to take care of in New Jersey, followed by arrival at my parents home in Southwest Virginia. My dad is still in rehab from his health scare, and is hoping to be released about the time of my visit. After a couple of days, its off to St. Louis on Tuesday to see my friends Amy, Stacey, Chad, Rez, and Moe. On Thursday, I head south to Atlanta where I will stay Three nights at Lee and Danny's homes (not quite sure which nights where).After my baseball draft on Saturday, I head north to the folks home again Sunday. Monday finds me traversing back to catch my early Tuesday flight back to the UAE. I will have a busy dozen days back in the States.
            Speaking of America, let's humor me and chat about the final season of American Idol. Rodz and I watch every Friday night and root away. (sorry to the 90% of you that don't watch Idol) They are now down to the final 5 and I think something sort of funny is happening. With this weeks performances the theme was overcoming hardships. The first contestant (Mackland) told about how he had congestive heart failure as a senior in hs. It was  touch and go while he waited for a heart transplant, only a miracle cured him....Then there was the second contestant (Dalton) who contemplated suicide while he battled depression...then he found music and it saved him. Then (Trent) the 3rd contestant told about how his close friend helped him design and order a special guitar, than the day it arrived his friend tragically died before he could ever play the guitar. He told a crying JLO about how he never performs without thinking and dedicating his performance to his late friend. Then came the  crowd favorite (La Portia) who told about marrying "Prince Charming"  who quickly turned into an abusive spouse. After the birth of her daughter, she finally found the courage to leave her abusive husband and enter a shelter. This poor gals life has been changed because of music. JLO bawled her eyes out at La Portia's gut wrenching story. Then finally, the beautiful, privileged Indian girl said she was nervous performing and that was her struggle.....I want to predict who goes home this privileged Indian.
          Rodz and I were treated to dinner tonight by our Dubai bestie, Vinny.
We dined at Denny's.
Rodz and I, dinner at Denny's - March 19, 2016

         I know I'm not half as handsome as I used to be...but check out the skinny neck. This morning I reached a new adult low of 89.7 kg's or 199 lbs. Since the fall of my Senior year of high school (yes 1980) - have I been this light. I'm psyched to see the friends and family who saw me last November at 231 lbs...Still have a bit of a belly, so hopefully will keep getting lighter.
           Rodz think she has found a job, more on that next time...time now, to turn in....another busy work day to follow. Hopefully will see you soon....

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