Friday, October 29, 2010

Uh oh, my brush with the Dubai Police.....

Well, you may have thought it would happen, but I didn't...I had a brush with the law and the law won...Don't get panicky, it was minor but somewhat demonstrative. I was driving back to the office on the road that runs next to Dubai mall. There is an intersection in  front of the theatre entrance at the mall. Its 3 lanes across, the far left lane turns into the mall, and has a separate light that is head high on the left, while the two right lanes merge into one shortly after the light to enter the highway.  So I am the second car stopped at the red light in the middle lane. To my left, a gentlemen has rolled down his window and is trying to get me to give him directions in English that I could not grasp (and let's face it-I am not a good choice for direction asking)...So the straight away light (that is head high on the right side) turns green, while the red light on the left stays red. Unfortunately the Kuwaity gentlemen and his burka covered bride in front of me are not familiar with the traffic scheme, they start out on the green, then notice the red light to his left and think he may be running a light so slams his brakes on, I start following him on the green, admittedly (that can't be the way to spell it) distracted by the guy shouting out of his window for direction help (he is in the turn only lane- maybe he wanted mall parking tips..sigh) well to make a long blog short....bango I rear ended the car in front of me. Thankfully nobody was hurt and the impact was at less than 10 miles per hour so the damage was minor (my license plate was bent and the paint on my bumber scratched, the other cars bumper was slightly displaced.) We pulled off to the side of the road, that's when life in the Middle East reared its head....

The Kuwaiti gentlemen was a class act, he got out of his car, and assured me that he and his bride were not harmed. He also apologized and said he got confused by the lights....well the law here is that you need to immediately report any accident. Well the "911" system here is a little different, if you have a fire it is 997, an ambulance is 998, for the Poh poh its 999. So I dial 999 on my blackberry, and the communication is difficult, so my new found Kuwaiti bumper buddy had to get on my phone and speak Arabic to the dispatcher. They told us to go into the mall at the police station there and report our accident. So we had to pull our cars into the station, and enter the station. There were three officers present, we approached the counter then the keystone fun began. The officers would not speak English. My new Kuwaiti friend, asked them on more than one occasion to speak English so that I would understand and the officers refused. He spoke both languages, he would speak English, then respond in Arabic, I was deemed to be at fault (I did the rear ending, so it makes sense). Well, the officer starts writing the accident report in Arabic...
I am talking the symbols not just the language. He then starts writing me a ticket (I would have no idea if the other motorist would not be telling me what is going on). I feel very alone, and am a little nervous, so while the officer is filling out his paperwork, my new friend from Kuwait tells me that he went to grad school in Boston, and that he loves America and Americans. He apologizes in front of the officers for their lack of language courtesy (they all speak English, it is the official business language of the UAE and remember 85% of the population are from outside the country and English is every body's second language), he then was engaged in a heated conversation in Arabic with the police. I don't think they liked that he was disrespecting them with me. So they hand me the ticket (not one word of English on it) and instructed me to "sign it" awww, they can speak the language. I ask for a translation, he repeats sign, I say I can't read it, he puts his arm together like the handcuff symbol...I signed.  I fought the law, but the law 400 dirhams (100 dollars) lots of drama but end the end more bloginess than anything else...

Sheik Saqr bin Mohammad Al Qasimi, the ruler of the Ras al Khaimah emirate died on Wednesday. there is a little crisis in that Emirate as there is a power struggle between two brothers to take the monarchy over. The more powerful rulers from Abu Dhabi and Dubai quickly recognized the younger brother (who is more friendly to the west) and was the crowned Prince, while the older brother has actually seized the government palace and surrounded it with troops loyal to him. The older brother (Sheikh Saqr bin Mohammed al-Qasimi) is also closely tied to Iran. The straight of Hormuz runs past the Emirate and at that point Iran is only 60 miles away. The older brother has been very involved in smuggling goods into Iran against the UN blockade. Hopefully it will be resolved in the Prince's favor and does not escalate into something ugly. Probably not on the news radar in America, but can have serious consequences for the West. The UAE is in official mourning, no music (even on the radio)
Time to hit the pool, have to work tomorrow in Abu Dhabi, so I want to seize the day (low 90's absolutely beautiful fall Dubai weather) - and frolic and rest...
Love to hear from you....

Friday, October 22, 2010

48 today....Whoo Hooo...sigh

48 is the new 45, has been a long week away from Dubai...
As most of you are aware, I spent the past week in Paris, a mini adventure within the big adventure.
Started my 6 and a half hour flight to Paris last Friday night...The flight was full, and I had a middle seat in coach, so I was hopeful that I would sit next to some cute petite french girl, so I could sleep or flirt or both (both wonderful things to do while flying) So I am seated next to this grandma in a burka...4'8" and very tiny...I was excited, elbow room and sleep lie ahead (no flirting with the Burkas-or talking with come to think of it)..So right before take off they decided to reunite two Pakistani business men, that's right Iranian Granny out, overweight Pakistani men in(much heavier than me-thanks for asking). So of course he had to take his shoes off, cracked ugly feet that were on my legs...then the snoring and the worse infringement, while he was deeply asleep a monster belch that I was sure was going to cause the airbags to deploy...lOOOOONGG flight...
The hotel was a nice Novatel hotel. (if I ever get back, will insist on staying in one of the traditional hotels downtown) in Bercy. Had a couple of nice dinners with hosts from McCain and Rupericht, and the convention was huge...
I have been around some large SYSCO shows, this was probably 8 to ten times larger than any of those shows...massive. I spent 75% of my time in one of the Halls (the protein one)...We found some products that might work for us...
The whole trip was overshadowed with the strikers. In a nutshell, the French Government is trying to change the retirement age from 60 to 62. The strikers (mostly unions and students) have tried to shutdown the transportation grid. By the middle of last week, all the refineries were cut of, 25% of stations were out of gas creating gas lines that were very long (waits well over an hour) and the train and subway system crippled (bout a third of normal trains.) The commutes were over two hours and we switched from  metro, to train to bus to get around the strikers...the trains were extremely crowded, but we stayed out of the fray, except when I got into a conflict with 6 strikers on the Metro, they were carrying placards that were critical of the wealthy, they didn't seem to like it that I told them that since the city's transportation grid was crippled because of strikers like them that perhaps they should get off the Metro and walk...Bob thought it was funny, Fadi was terrified, and in the end after a good natured spirited discussion (especially with a 35 year old teacher- I convinced him he would be a better teacher at 61 than he was today) they wished us well and were laughing with us as we left the train.
Flight back was interesting as we flew over the Alps and then over Iran back to Dubai (empty seat next to me :-) )
Things at work were not smooth, the conversion to a warehouse Management system did not go smoothly...Lots of fires to put out this week. I got up this morning, spent an hour at the pool, have done the laundry, I am planning on going over to the mall and have fish and Chips at the Social House for my birthday dinner. Nut roaster and gelatos at the Souk...I am alone, but it is good to be back in my apartment for my birthday...
Going to work on Saturday, got to catch up!
Happy Birthday to me,

Friday, October 15, 2010

Leavin on a jet plane...

Bob, Fadi, and I are leaving in a few minutes to catch an Air France flight to Paris for a week long convention. I have packed my camera, but I am a little nervous. There is the terror watch for Americans to avoid France and a major transportation strike in France.It will be my first trip to Paris, lets keep our fingers crossed that I return to Dubai safely next Thursday.
This weeks fun in the UAE involved going to the Doctor. The health care industry is different (like so much else here). Bob's shoulder has been bothering him, so he made an appointment at the Dubai Health Care center at the Dubai Mall. (yes the Mall). So Bob told me that his co pay was 50 Dirhams (12 bucks), the facility was ultra modern.Pharmacy on site it was all covered, he recommended it to me.
I need a local doctor, so I made an appointment. After meeting with doctor having tests done picking up my copay 2,300 Dirhams. It seems that Bob has better company insurance than me....sigh.
The good news is with my recent promotion I am elig. for the same insurance as Bob, beginning in January...
Got to call a cab...I'll post Paris pics on facebook...
Have a nice weekend!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Odds and Ends

I have been working so many hours, not as much fun or interesting stuff to blog about....Bob found my banking issues to be laughable, so maybe you can share in my misery (I know Susan, I should bank with you-in time dear). I get paid once a month (usually the last day of the month), and I have a credit card tied to my checking account. It gets paid in full by automatic draft out of my checking account. Well, that was hitting the 28th of the month, so my largest deduction was hitting my account 2 or 3 days before my only deposit. Well, I asked my British based bank if I could move my due date to the second of the month, so there would be no chance of a shortfall. Well to make a long story short, they moved my date the billing date-not the due date...sigh, English may be the official business language of the UAE, but it is a, my bill came earlier than expected, but it matched up with my big deal...right? wrongo...So the bank called me last Thursday and said my credit card was due, I reminded them of the change in bill due dates we has agreed to, they saw the notes said, ooops no big deal. The money matched up that night, and they changed my next bill date to October 2nd instead of November 2nd...still not a big deal, I only had about 500 durhams in new charges,($130) and had well over 10,000 dirhams in the bank...well, when they changed the bill due date they forgot to turn back on the autopay system. So, in the meantime my bundled package of my cable/phone/Internet reached its credit limit...thats right, they establish a credit limit even though it automatically charges my credit card. So when I got home at 9 pm from work on Thursday, my cable, long distance and Internet were cut off. I called the local number, reminded them that they had my credit card and my bill was not due until Oct 10. Well, they informed me (all those international call centers where they don't speak English well to handle customer service issues/they apparently use the same call centers here)  since I had been cut off I had to either pay my bill online (difficult to do when Internet is cut off) or go to the "Du" store and pay me bill. So Friday morning (Remember Friday is Sunday here) I hauled my butt down to the due store to straighten this out. After waiting in line for hour (similar to America), I finally got to speak face to face to a customer care rep. Well I ripped into this guy about how stupid it was to cut me off when they had my credit card (do you see where this is going yet) and I had paid my bill in time in full every month (ok both of them). Imagine me raising my voice in the I make a lot of money, why would you cut me off because I make a lot of International calls...blah, blah blah! I got my two pounds of flesh!   So, then I handed over my bank credit card, to pay my "Du" bill. Yes, declined...that is right, the customer with great credit and plenty of money, card is declined....sigh...The bank is down the hall in the mall, but it's Friday, banks are closed. So, I truly have plenty of money in the bank, so I get money out of the ATM and slink back to "Du" with my tail between my legs.,.I only wish that ended it...It took all day Friday to get hooked back up with cable and Internet.
So Saturday, I head to the bank, to straighten out my account. When I get there I find out since I did nt pay my credit card bill on Oct 2nd (I did not know I had one due, suppose to be Nov 2nd) they had put my card on hold and I had been turned over to collections...Never mind that my account was automatically set up for 100% payment and linked to my checking account with the same bank. my bill for 500 durhams had not been paid and it did not matter that I had 10,000 durhams in their bank. They showed their bill was mailed to my employer (no local mail delivery here, all your mail goes to your job) on October 1st (I haven't got it yet) and that they just had paid my entire bill on Sept. 28th....
Oh well, after an hour at the branch, they apologized and said everything was fixed...we'll see.  Bob saw a lot more humor in this than I did...

Baseball playoffs are on back in the good ole USA, my Reds are down 2 games to none and I haven't seen the first pitch...I finished 3rd in my fantasy baseball league, no way I can do it from here next year,,,been in the same league since 1991. I guess other than golf, it is just impossible to follow closely over here. Cricket is kicking off over here with little cooler weather. I do want to see it. Al Jazeera TV covers the NBA (I have no idea why), now if I just had a care to see it...

I am picking my new sales rep (Lal) up at his hotel in the morning. He worked for SYSCO Atlanta for over 10 years, his parents live in Sri Lanka, he wanted to get closer to home...I am excited to add an experienced sales rep.  I am giving him the Palms resort and Dubai World/Yaz Island for a territory. Should be quite the adventure for him.

Tomorrow is Abu Dhabi day. The new customer I have been courting opens their doors next Friday (850 room 5 star hotel ) Real opportunity.  So trying to tie up some of the loose ends.

Well maybe I will do something interesting this week, and take some pictures of it....maybe not...
Thanks for hanging in  there with me....

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Earning my pay...

I have hit a wall in personal time available. I am working now more hours than I have in years (maybe ever). I went to work Saturday for almost 5 hours(Saturday is Sunday here), Sunday, I went to Abu Dhabi and didn't get home until after 7pm. Monday I spent the day in Al Ain (should have taken my camera-more on Al Ain in a minute) I did not get home til after 9pm, Tuesday my last call ended at 7:30 pm then I went straight to a reception for a grand opening of a new client. I got home at 10pm. Today, I sent my last email and Sham made me leave the building at 9pm. Got a Burger King Fish sandwich on the way home. Tomorrow, I start the day off with a sales meeting and have a late afternoon call scheduled with an unhappy customer...what a week....maybe my first 80 hour work week...
After no unusual weather at all I woke up Monday morning to thick fog, There were several accidents- it was at least weather...still upper 90's low 100's everyday...but it feels good outside. Everyday since I have been here the weather forecast calls for 0% chance of rain. I wonder if this winter there will be days that call for 10 or 20% chance and then will I be rooting for rain...silly question, of course I will.
On Monday I traveled to Al Ain. It is about an hour and a half drive east of Dubai, which contrary to logic is inland away from the Arabian Sea. It was a drive straight into the Arabian Desert. Lots of road construction as the road is going from a 4 lane highway to an 8 lane highway. Al Ain is a historic city. It was built around an Oasis and large spring. After an hour drive straight into the desert, all of a sudden everything was green. Grass, trees wide well paved roads Al Ain is a sleepy city. The downtown area was wall to wall buildings, not very tall and very cluttered. It reminded me of a Brad Pitt movie where he was an agent in the Middle East. The entire time I was downtown, I saw no one that would be considered a westerner. The city has a population of 375,000 people, and almost all were middle Eastern or Indian .
One of the accounts my sales rep took me too was the Al Ain zoo. It seems that the city is going through a green phase and is trying to attract tourist at the same time. They have hired a consultant from Denver, who was glad to see an American He has been here since March, and I have a feeling his living experience in the UAE has been totally different than mine. AL Ain would not be a place I would choose to live.  Our last call of the day was at the Hotel Mercure. It is located on top of a mountain (Jebel Hafeet) one of the tallest mountains in the UAE. The Hotel is on top of the mountain, and it has a beautiful view of Al Ain in the valley below. I was within two miles of the Country of Oman. I'll have to find out if Oman is a safe country to visit....
Speaking of safety, I am a little nervous about my upcoming trip to Paris. I fly out next Saturday, (16th) and I am attending an international trade show in the heart of Paris. Our Embassy is warning against traveling there, but I don't think I have a choice...definitely should be in my friends prayers...
I booked my parents tickets to visit me in February for their wedding anniversary (birthday and Christmas too, 3 presents killed with one trip!,,,lol)so the 9th of Feb. through the 19th I will have visitors...Maybe I will start a tradition of guest bloggers while they are here...almost midnight, meeting 8 hours away, need some sleep...
Don't be strangers...and come before my parents


Friday, October 1, 2010

Been through the desert on a horse with no name...

Hello all!
It is a beautiful Friday in Dubai. The weekend is in full swing.The weather has finally gotten tolerable. This week the highs were mostly in the upper 90's. It is funny that it felt almost cool, I guess you just get used to the heat. Still rarely see a cloud. They claim we will have some rain in December....we'll see.
Work has gotten so busy, I am going in to the office tomorrow to clean off my desk and clear out my emails...working Saturday has never been appealing in my career, but with Sunday being the first day of the work week, it is even less appealing here....
 I am getting ready to go to church in a couple of hours, should be an interesting experience. Georges (one of our sales reps) has invited me to attend the early service (7pm). It is the English speaking one. It will be my first church service in quite awhile. I guess it is a catholic service, but  am not certain. You certainly are reminded at every turn that you are living in a Muslim nation, but with 85% of the population being expats (Foreigners) there are a lot of non- Muslims (loads of Hindu's and Buddhist along with Christians.
Tomorrow after I get home from the office, Bob and I are planning on going to the beach. It is only a few minutes from my apartment, and I will make sure I take my camera to post some pictures on Facebook. Don't expect to see any "Johnny skin" though lol...I did spend the morning at the pool, there were lots of cute gals there, I guess with the weather breaking people are venturing out more.
I am still eating out about 6 nights a week. I have fallen in love with a Lebanese restaurant called "Al Hallab". They have a dish called "Shawrma". It is either beef or chicken (I love the chicken) and its is spiced and cooked like a Gyro is slow roasted. They slice it up, serve it with fries, garnish with Lebanese pickle and tomato's and have fresh baked Arab bread (bottomless)...then on the side there is a garlic paste that is like soft spread margarine...oh my...Bob and I eat there a 6 or 7 time a dinner with tip runs about 35 dirhaims ($9). The other favorite is a restaurant called "Scoozi" It is a cross between Japanese (Sushi and Tempura) and Lebanese. I love the Shrimp pizza's cooked in the wood fired oven. Other than that, most of my other fav's are US Chains...Ruby Tuesdays, Uno's Pizza, Noodles and the like. Almost any kind of American restaurant food is available here (no Chick-fil-a...:-(  too sad).
I am still making the weekly trip to Abu Dhai on Sunday's, with my new sales responsibilities I will be out of the office a lot. The sales reps are enthusiastic about learning...look out UAE, we are going to grow. One week of baseball until the playoffs, I hope I get to watch the Reds (hopefully well into October)...The Cowboys are on a bye week, so may get a full nights sleep on Sunday night...
Gotta run, drop me a note, I would love to hear from you...and when you visit, you too can try Chicken Shawrma!