Friday, October 22, 2010

48 today....Whoo Hooo...sigh

48 is the new 45, has been a long week away from Dubai...
As most of you are aware, I spent the past week in Paris, a mini adventure within the big adventure.
Started my 6 and a half hour flight to Paris last Friday night...The flight was full, and I had a middle seat in coach, so I was hopeful that I would sit next to some cute petite french girl, so I could sleep or flirt or both (both wonderful things to do while flying) So I am seated next to this grandma in a burka...4'8" and very tiny...I was excited, elbow room and sleep lie ahead (no flirting with the Burkas-or talking with come to think of it)..So right before take off they decided to reunite two Pakistani business men, that's right Iranian Granny out, overweight Pakistani men in(much heavier than me-thanks for asking). So of course he had to take his shoes off, cracked ugly feet that were on my legs...then the snoring and the worse infringement, while he was deeply asleep a monster belch that I was sure was going to cause the airbags to deploy...lOOOOONGG flight...
The hotel was a nice Novatel hotel. (if I ever get back, will insist on staying in one of the traditional hotels downtown) in Bercy. Had a couple of nice dinners with hosts from McCain and Rupericht, and the convention was huge...
I have been around some large SYSCO shows, this was probably 8 to ten times larger than any of those shows...massive. I spent 75% of my time in one of the Halls (the protein one)...We found some products that might work for us...
The whole trip was overshadowed with the strikers. In a nutshell, the French Government is trying to change the retirement age from 60 to 62. The strikers (mostly unions and students) have tried to shutdown the transportation grid. By the middle of last week, all the refineries were cut of, 25% of stations were out of gas creating gas lines that were very long (waits well over an hour) and the train and subway system crippled (bout a third of normal trains.) The commutes were over two hours and we switched from  metro, to train to bus to get around the strikers...the trains were extremely crowded, but we stayed out of the fray, except when I got into a conflict with 6 strikers on the Metro, they were carrying placards that were critical of the wealthy, they didn't seem to like it that I told them that since the city's transportation grid was crippled because of strikers like them that perhaps they should get off the Metro and walk...Bob thought it was funny, Fadi was terrified, and in the end after a good natured spirited discussion (especially with a 35 year old teacher- I convinced him he would be a better teacher at 61 than he was today) they wished us well and were laughing with us as we left the train.
Flight back was interesting as we flew over the Alps and then over Iran back to Dubai (empty seat next to me :-) )
Things at work were not smooth, the conversion to a warehouse Management system did not go smoothly...Lots of fires to put out this week. I got up this morning, spent an hour at the pool, have done the laundry, I am planning on going over to the mall and have fish and Chips at the Social House for my birthday dinner. Nut roaster and gelatos at the Souk...I am alone, but it is good to be back in my apartment for my birthday...
Going to work on Saturday, got to catch up!
Happy Birthday to me,

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