Friday, October 1, 2010

Been through the desert on a horse with no name...

Hello all!
It is a beautiful Friday in Dubai. The weekend is in full swing.The weather has finally gotten tolerable. This week the highs were mostly in the upper 90's. It is funny that it felt almost cool, I guess you just get used to the heat. Still rarely see a cloud. They claim we will have some rain in December....we'll see.
Work has gotten so busy, I am going in to the office tomorrow to clean off my desk and clear out my emails...working Saturday has never been appealing in my career, but with Sunday being the first day of the work week, it is even less appealing here....
 I am getting ready to go to church in a couple of hours, should be an interesting experience. Georges (one of our sales reps) has invited me to attend the early service (7pm). It is the English speaking one. It will be my first church service in quite awhile. I guess it is a catholic service, but  am not certain. You certainly are reminded at every turn that you are living in a Muslim nation, but with 85% of the population being expats (Foreigners) there are a lot of non- Muslims (loads of Hindu's and Buddhist along with Christians.
Tomorrow after I get home from the office, Bob and I are planning on going to the beach. It is only a few minutes from my apartment, and I will make sure I take my camera to post some pictures on Facebook. Don't expect to see any "Johnny skin" though lol...I did spend the morning at the pool, there were lots of cute gals there, I guess with the weather breaking people are venturing out more.
I am still eating out about 6 nights a week. I have fallen in love with a Lebanese restaurant called "Al Hallab". They have a dish called "Shawrma". It is either beef or chicken (I love the chicken) and its is spiced and cooked like a Gyro is slow roasted. They slice it up, serve it with fries, garnish with Lebanese pickle and tomato's and have fresh baked Arab bread (bottomless)...then on the side there is a garlic paste that is like soft spread margarine...oh my...Bob and I eat there a 6 or 7 time a dinner with tip runs about 35 dirhaims ($9). The other favorite is a restaurant called "Scoozi" It is a cross between Japanese (Sushi and Tempura) and Lebanese. I love the Shrimp pizza's cooked in the wood fired oven. Other than that, most of my other fav's are US Chains...Ruby Tuesdays, Uno's Pizza, Noodles and the like. Almost any kind of American restaurant food is available here (no Chick-fil-a...:-(  too sad).
I am still making the weekly trip to Abu Dhai on Sunday's, with my new sales responsibilities I will be out of the office a lot. The sales reps are enthusiastic about learning...look out UAE, we are going to grow. One week of baseball until the playoffs, I hope I get to watch the Reds (hopefully well into October)...The Cowboys are on a bye week, so may get a full nights sleep on Sunday night...
Gotta run, drop me a note, I would love to hear from you...and when you visit, you too can try Chicken Shawrma!

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