Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Butterball Turkeys and George W. Bush!

Thursday, December 2nd is National Day in the UAE. 39 years ago, seven small countries joined together to form the United Arab Emirates. A couple of other countries almost joined (Oman and Qatar) but in the end they stayed independent. I could drive to Oman in about and hour and a half, and I plan on visiting there soon.They are a very strategic ally of the United States and have a large US Military presence.
So what does Butterball & Pres. Bush have in common? (no Yvonne- Barney Frank may have had sex with one of them) that's right, they are part of the Middle East urban legends.  I have heard from more than one of my new friends that George Bush ordered 911 attacks to cause problems in the Middle East, that he was having breakfast with a very wealthy Jewish business man in Virginia, that flew the President back to Washington on a private jet after the attack. Now, when I said that President Bush was reading children's books to elementary kids in Florida, I might as well told my co-workers a story about the Easter bunny. And yes, it is a "fact" here that there were no Jewish people killed in the 911 attacks. They all knew....
On the same urban legend level, one of my sales reps, did a Butterball turkey presentation in front of me. He told about how only the Butterball brand turkey removed the ligaments from the legs so the turkey will hold its shape while cooking, and how the Butterball turkey is hand basted and injected with butter. Sounds absolutely Divine. Sadly,  both Butterball "facts" are also myths. Butterball has about a 20%  share of the US market. The plant where the turkeys were originally processed is an old butter factory. Thus the name, "Butterball". Fear not, there really is one advantage, genetics. The turkeys have been bred by butterball to have larger than normal breast...not a bad feature at all.
Thursday is a holiday, but alas, I am going into the office in the morning, and I am interviewing two candidates for jobs. I interviewed an interesting Turkish lady today...May offer her a position....
Final sales numbers in for November....just past 6 million, a new record over a million more than the previous record. I'm hanging in....
One last thing, a couple of you have emailed me saying you thought I was "down". Please don't mistake my loneliness for sadness. I miss America and my friends. That being said, I feel very appreciated here, Bob is happy with me, my employees are enthusiastic about me being their leader....and I am setting myself up financially for life (hopefully). Come see me or drop me a note...that would put a smile on my face.
Have a great day,

1 comment:

  1. Hi John. I finally got around to reading some of your blog. I'm sorry that I've been behind. My life has been rather hectic, but that's no excuse. I enjoyed the reading. I know it must be really strange to live in a place that tradition is so different than what you are used to. I don't know if I could handle it...well, I know I couldn't, particularly if I were by myself. I'm co-dependant, you know.
    As the Christmas season gets into full swing, please know that I will be thinking of you often and sending you a little twinkle of full-blown happiness from Virginia! When you look into the sky and see the brightest's just me...thinking of you! Take care! Love ya, my friend!
    Susan Campbell
