Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas is upon us...

I just got back from a nice swim in our apartment pool. It is 80 degrees and sunny today, gotta love the weather in the winter...I watch Fox news a lot, so I have been keeping up with the states early winter...So far, I do not miss the snow.
Speaking of winter, I finally had to turn on my hot water heater. As you may recall, the water is warm due to the combination of being pulled from the warm waters of the Arabian Sea (there are desalinization plants along the coast)and the heat from the pipes going through the sand of the desert. The water was still luke warm, but took several minutes to reach that status. I probably will turn it off in March, we will see.
Work has been tough this week, some logistic issues trying to bring products in from the states...The quality of condiments is so much better when it is manufactured in the U.S. Heinz has a plant in Egypt, and they should be embarrassed by the quality of the products manufactured there compared to the high quality of good ole American product.
I did hire the young lady (Ceren) from Turkey. She will start in January. I am excited about her drive, she is a fitness freak that was the captain of her college Basketball team (Go Ankara Turkey...Bears?!) and her new teammates will like her. Juan also joins the team in January. He worked for SYSCO Atlanta and was a pilot in the Colombian Air Force. Should be disciplined and ready to go...
I have budgeted to hire three additional reps in the next 6 months, so any of my previous sales people from the states that need a job, I am doing my best to improve the economy of America, and at the same time hit my goal of doubling sales next year.
Bob left for the states Wednesday evening, and Richard leaves next Friday. I am having a "holiday" party for our sales team in my apartment next Thursday. The company manager has asked Richard and I to arrange a Christmas lunch for the office on Thursday afternoon. A very nice gesture considering he is a Muslim and the company is very Middle Eastern. Richard wants to cook 4 Butterball turkeys (big 24 pound Toms) and make stuffing and gravy to give them a feel for our culture.(if I could only have a Christmas spiral sliced honey glazed ham-sigh) I will certainly let you know how it goes...
I still have not been able to register my status (and give them my phone number) at the American embassy. Tuesday I am going to Abu Dhabi and hopefully get in (I have tried twice - who new it would be so difficult).
Try and stay warm in the good ole USA, I will be having warm thoughts about you...
Merry Christmas,


  1. Hey buddy just making sure I have your number correct, 01197144212692 that's what I dial to get a hold of you?

  2. Ok so I'm not up on all this fancy technology and how it works, so hopefully you get this. Wanted to give you my e-mail, also my home phone 941-388-8900. You have my cell, and I believe I know how to call you from here 01197144212692? I have tried to call you this morning or early evening there but its been busy (not sure if you're on the phone or I'm dialing wrong)in any case I will try and catch up with you, or give me call or e-mail when you get a chance.
