Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010....

Merry Christmas to all! I think spending Christmas here is making me appreciate things back in the states more than ever. The holiday have been good so far, and I have a nice evening planned. Yesterday at work, my department hosted a traditional Christmas meal. Richard baked 4 Butterball "Toms" (close to 100 pounds of turkey), we had Christmas Cakes from Paul Restaurant (They looked awesome-gone before I got a taste) side dishes from two famous Lebanese restaurants...I really liked the  green beans with pearl onions,and the mashed potato's. The turkeys were prepared perfectly and the luncheon (fed around 100 employees) went awesome. It was a very nice gesture that our Muslim Company Manager had this celebration with us. He was gracious and more than once told me to spare no expense to make sure that it was a "5 star" experience for our employees. There were more Muslims and Hindu's than Christians at the luncheon and they were all kind and wished us a Merry Christmas with warm smiles and handshakes... The whole experience was new to many, but the funniest moment for me is when "Rapu" (an Indonesian cleaning lad that reports to Sham) said (in broken English) that he had never seen such "big chickens"...I told him we raised them that way in America...chuckles filled the room...(by the way - it was the first time he had eaten turkey, and he liked it!)

I hosted a Christmas party at my 8 Boulevard apartment last night. It was good having the team together in a relaxed social setting. I did get some nice gifts, a new tie, an Eagles music video, nice bottle of red wine and some chocolate candy. Lal broke out his Cuban cigars (they are legal here) and my patio became a smokey place for fellowship with the balmy weather.

Work is going well, sales are strong (trying for a second record sales month in a row) but we still have too many operational issues. The new pay plan that I have implemented (with Bob's blessing) has made our Account Executives more career minded, and for the most part they are thriving. I am especially proud of Kelly, she is Canadian and is a natural "relationship Manager". I would find it hard to believe that she has ever had an enemy in her life. She is on a roll with her life and it is very rewarding for me to see her career blossom. Another Rep that is doing really well is Joseph. He is Indian and has been somewhat passed over in his career. He is very bright, and now believes what he is being told by management. The work ethics appear to be strong for the whole group. Most of them are very young (Magy youngest at 24, Ceren is 23, Kelly 26) but are very professional in their approach to their jobs.

Richard and I went to church this morning. The service was about the birth of Christ (right down the road in Bethlehem) and I am so happy that I am back in a church. It is surreal that I can worship freely in this land, and feel blessed and revitalised in my beliefs. I had a nice swim at the pool this afternoon, and I am invited to the credit manager's home for Christmas Eve dinner. Tomorrow I am spending the morning at the office (customer service is working along with the warehouse)so an appearance by me in support will be appreciated, besides Sham has to work, what would Christmas be without Shammy?

This blog and those of you that read it and follow my travels are very therapeutic for me. I feel blessed to have so many friends and people that care about me in my life. Thank you for the prayers and well wishes, and Merry Christmas to all of you!


  1. Merry Christmas and glad you are making new friends and experiences. Enjoy.

  2. I'm just catching up on your blogs....been an extremely busy week as I'm sure you can imagine. Hard to believe the holidays have come and gone but it is with great hopes that your 2011 brings you great success and much happiness.
