Friday, February 11, 2011

Helping America's unemployment rate one person at a time...

I think I have spent more time in the last three months interviewing and hiring than doing anything else at work. I guess in the end people is what will make a difference here, so I am doing the necessary. For those of you keeping score at home, the recruits have started rolling in. Juan started this Monday, has made a great initial impression. He has led a fascinating life (Worked as a Colombian Air Force officer) and I am not sure what I can blog lets just say that it is worth asking about when we catch up in person. I somehow had mentally pictured him as a typical scrawny little guy, instead he is more like a middle linebacker for a division 2 football team. I now have a body
Ceren starts this Sunday, she is the former captain and point guard of her University college basketball team. I am probably the most excited about what she will bring to the table, from her experience working with the competition. Her hiring process has drug on way too long, with the government requirements for her to switch jobs cumbersome to say the least. She had to give 30 day's notice, and now she has been unemployed for almost 30 days waiting for the government to get their paperwork in order. Nick Dean starts in 9 days, I worked with Nick at SYSCO St. Louis and at Buckhead Beef. He just gave his notice to US Foods in Tampa...We have been friends for a while so it will be nice to have another buddy in Dubai (he is bringing his wife and 16 year old son with him- should be interesting)... This week I hired two more reps, Loren and Haley...Both Americans that were already here working in the industry. Loren will start in April working in our National Accounts (she is a chef) and Haley is a manager with an International hotel chain and will start in late June. So the updated scorecard, there are now 6 former SYSCO employees on our team (Bob, Richard, Lal, Juan, Nick and Myself) the food service Senior management team is 3 Americans and one Lebanese (Karim) individual. Our sales team will now be much more experienced with the additions and will have grown from 8 to 13. Better keep selling to justify the expense. The Gulf Trade show takes place here in Dubai at the end of this month, so between preparing for that and training new reps, I am very busy.
My parents delayed their trip to Dubai until early March. My brother Mike is now joining them. The additional body will make things cozy(?) here in my one bedroom apartment, but it will also allow me to work a little more while they are here. I am still planning on doing my tour of the United States at the very end of July and the first week of August. I am hoping that my 30th High school reunion will fit into my schedule, come on Susan- use your influence as the most successful class member of Lebanon High class of '81....get er done!
The Dubai classic is in town (Golf- Tiger, Kaymer, Westwood top 3 golfers in world are playing) and I have club house tickets and am planning on attending Saturday and Sunday. Bob's son Jeremy is here visiting and they are enjoying golf to the fullest. I will try and get on, I will not be wearing funny hats or streaking to accomplish that)....
The unrest in the Middle East is in the backs of every ones minds, and dominates the water cooler talk. So far, we have noticed no change here, but the neighboring countries have all had some protests or government action to appease or squash any dissenters. I guess for my entire time here, with me being less than 100 miles from Iran that I will keep one eye on the politics of the region while of course watching Fox news to keep abreast of whats going on in the good ole USA.
My parents 56th wedding anniversary is this Valentines day, for those of you in Lebanon, I would appreciate your checking on them, and to all of my gal pals that are keeping up here, Happy Valentines Day!!!!
All my best,


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