Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prophets's Birthday...

Well today is a holiday, we are remembering the Prophet's birthday in the Muslim world. This is the point in my blog that I usually weave some history and give some incite to my friends back in the USA. Well sadly, I don't know....It apparently is a decently important holiday, because I kept our customer service and our warehouse open, while Richard and I caught up a little at the office - business was dead (mental note, next year I will close and give the team the day off) and learn.
I can attest to the parents are still with the blog, this past Monday was their 58th not 56th Anniversary...ooops sorry folks...would enjoy hearing that some of the rest of you are hanging with me....
I spent this evening reading the Cincinnati newspapers on line. The Reds have opened up spring training in Goodyear Arizona, and I am missing baseball...little melancholy. I wonder how my years over here will affect (or is that effect-could never quite get that straight, similar to principle and principal,,lol) for my love of Baseball and American pro football. If my heart will wonder away from my Reds and Cowboys...It sounds silly, but part of being a fan involves keeping up with the teams that I love. You might notice more my passion fade for them than I do. (still haven't gone to a cricket or soccer game here.)
I was calculating my future the other day, I am asked frequently about how long I am planning on being here. I love the opportunity I am enjoying at work, but it is laced with how much better I will enjoy my life in America financially secure. Of course the trick is earn enough but leave soon enough to enjoy my time back in America. My contract is up December 31st 2013. I should be out of debt in America by summer of 2012, and I have zero debt here. I am positioned well in my career to stay here long term, I don't honestly know if I will be here (by my choice) 3 more years or 18 more years... most probably somewhere in between...I guess it might depend on my social bonding. I have been dating more than I did in America in the last 10 years...who knows (and no, I am not sure how much I will blog about that)...I may pontificate more,,,we shall see.
I have scheduled with Bob my return to the USA this summer, I will be leaving the UAE in late July (around the 29th) and stay until approx. the 11th. I think I will try and visit several cities...Lebanon, VA, Knoxville, Atlanta, St. Louis and Cincinnati...(definitely take in a game or 2 with Fred and Danno).
Things are calm here, but with 85% of the residents of the UAE being from somewhere else, the unrest in the Middle East makes us nervous. Bahrain is less than 150 miles drive from the UAE border, and Oman (lesser problems) is within walking distance of AL Ain. My company is owned by Lebanese businessmen, and there is unrest there also. So, when I am pondering the duration of my visit, there are so many unknowns...
Juan and Ceren have had really good starts to their Transmed careers. They seem to be fitting in very well. Nick leaves (keep your fingers crossed) Florida this Sunday. The Gulf Food Show is here in Dubai and starts the last weekend in February.
Oh well, going to watch my tapings of American Idol, hope this is a "Prophet-able" day for you!
Warmest Regards,

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